Title: Ghosts
Rating: G? PG?
Fandom: Saiyuki
Prompt: #2 - Ghosts.
When it rains, he can almost see her shadow.
Some familiar woeful shape, skinny and pale and far more beautiful than anything he’s seen in the years since her death. She moves around him in such agonising pain that one night he almost reaches out, can almost feel her smooth skin, smell her lavender perfume.
If he stares hard enough, he can nearly see the green of her eyes, her hawk-like gaze never faltering, so strong and steady and solid, right until she’s pushed over the edge.
“Are you haunting me, Kanan?” One night he asks the shadow. But she doesn’t say a word, merely dances around his aching soul, heavy raindrops falling down her pale, porcelain cheeks.