Fanfic Series: Fall & Get Up Again (Supernatural/X-Men, Cyclops/Jo)

May 03, 2011 01:55

Title of Series: Fall & Get Up Again
Fandoms: Supernatural and X-Men
Pairings: Scott/Jo, others more than likely will appear
Overall Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Mainly takes place after Jo goes off hunting by herself as well as POST-S5 Ep10. AU!X-men storyline (sorta movies, but mixed with other influences from the comics&Evo)
Series Summary: Oneshots of Scott/Jo stories detailing Scott & Jo's life after they meet.

Mutant and Hunter Meet
Turkey Dinner

crossover: spn/xm, fandom: x-men, .crossovers, fandom: supernatural, .fanfic series, .fanfiction

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