Fanfic Series: Finding Love Again (Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/John)

Apr 25, 2011 18:02

Title of Series: Finding Love Again
Fandoms: Smallville and Supernatural
Pairings: Chloe/John, past Mary/John & Chloe/Clark, possibly others eventually
Overall Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AU. Takes place throughout & before Supernatural. Takes place in an alternate universe after Chloe's 18th birthday. Character Death.
Series Summary: Oneshots of Chloe/John stories detailing Chloe and John's life after they meet.

Strangers & Curiosity (NEWEST)
Dream's Whisper
Life Didn't End

fandom: smallville, fandom: supernatural, .fanfic series, .fanfiction, crossover: spn/sv

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