Summer of Blues & Love Multi-Fandom Drabble-a-thon - gathering prompts!!!

Jun 21, 2008 09:51

I always love these things whenever medie or oxoniensis does them, and I wanted to start one as well. So hopefully this theme isn't being used right now. : /

Anyway, on with the show --- er, prompts really.
Outline For Prompts:

1. Until JUNE 23 JUNE 25, I will be collecting prompts here for the drabble-a-thon.

2. After that, when the prompt list goes up, you have TWO WEEKS to write all the drabbles you can from the prompts. And as many entries as you want, no limiting on that.

3. For the entries, it can be AS long as you want, but it should be at least 100 words. If you happen to go over the limit that are allowed to a comment, then you may post a link to whereever the rest of the fic is located.

4. You can post as MANY prompts as you want, bur you should have at least five, its NOT that hard to think up a few prompts.

5. Formula: Fandom, Character or Pairing, Prompt
& = gen
/ = pairing - het or femslash
(please also completely write out the fandom's name JUST incase I don't know it)

Single Fandoms Examples:
Beverly Hills 90210, Brenda/Dylan - secret, e-mail, hope,
Camp Rock, Mitchie/Shane - kiss
Supernatural, Sam/Sarah - hope, letters,
X-Men: Evolution, Rogue/Avalanche - camp,
Crossover Examples:
Sabrina the Teenage Witch/X-Men, Sabrina/Cyclops - protect
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Eureka, Spike/Zoe - bite, "Love you too, luv"
Heroes/Stargate Atlantis, Adam/Elizabeth - vacation

6. Almost anything goes. All Ratings, Het, Threesomes, Femslash, incest, genderbending, and Gen for the prompts. Sorry but no bandom or RPF.

7. Now please go post some Prompts & PIMP IT! {please?}

Questions & Answers:
Q May I post the prompts without writing anything for them?
A Of course! :D

If anyone has any questions/suggestions, let me know.

.drabbleathon: summer of blues and love

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