I have been told "PICTURES, OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN." It happened. Enjoy ^_^;;

Oct 23, 2010 15:14

About a month or so ago, I was at a grocery store with a couple of friends, one of whom was the recently-baited T, and, in the baking aisle, we ran across this:

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clearly i need more sleep, cookies, cooking with arashi, rl, picspammage, costume badness, crackdom, concert

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Comments 56

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flange5 October 23 2010, 21:10:37 UTC
Oh, I will!

I think I have a better idea/plan now, but I have to wait until the cake shop gets its next order of the disco dust ^_^


phrenk October 23 2010, 20:26:38 UTC
WOW. You are amazing. ♥


flange5 October 23 2010, 21:09:16 UTC
Amazing, or

. . . >_> "amazing" ?


It was fun, though you should have seen our kitchen O__o


zomboid October 23 2010, 20:27:50 UTC
I just want to say.... I want to try these...


flange5 October 23 2010, 21:08:09 UTC

This could probably be arranged when I do the bigger ones--If I do them more quickly and pack them well, they shouldn't get stale, I hope ^^;


sunnydreams416 October 23 2010, 20:47:22 UTC
omg ILU ♥

I swear my grin was eating up my face until this - Damn stubby arms. When I started busting out laughing.

Maybe it can be a 'school of Ohno' like there is a 'school of fish'
(yes I am a nerd for thinking of things like that ^^;;)

They look really tasty XD


flange5 October 23 2010, 21:13:41 UTC

Dude, those tiny arms a a pain! But the bigger cookie cutters will help a little, and I may try these food coloring pens, which won't have the 3 D effect of the frosting, but will alnost certainly give a cleaner line ^^;

School of Ohnos&hearts

I like it!

I may have to edit for it ^_^

They . . . are rather terribly stale. Since they were really a set of experiments, I didn't really . . . take care of them as food? Though the later bigger ones, some of which will likely go out as presents for birthdays or whatnot, I would be more careful with. If I give myself a stomach ache, who's to know? ^^;


bitterbee October 23 2010, 23:23:19 UTC
I was going to suggest 'school as well'!

You're insane, Flange. Yup.


flange5 October 23 2010, 23:52:57 UTC

So what part is the insane part, exactly? *is curious*


lottiechan October 23 2010, 21:13:22 UTC
I`ll just stick to "wow" for everything here. Enough said, I do hope? XD

because I`m not sure yet if I find this amazing, or slightly creepy, considering how much detail you put into this.

....then again, I draw smileys and stick figures and just hope everyone knows who I made XD (once, I`d drawn a J-rocker, and someone thought I`d drawn a palm tree.................. ;_; )


flange5 October 23 2010, 21:16:36 UTC
There is a creepy aspect to any kind of rendering of another person, I think, right? It seems obsessive. Though for me, it's more the obsessiveness of costumes.

The repetition, though, was really tiresome. When I do it again, bigger cookies, smaller batches ^^;

I am not much of an artist, either. But I can draw relatively realistic things, as long as I have a model picture. Left to my own devices . . . not so much.


lottiechan October 23 2010, 21:22:28 UTC
there is, but...still.....
how you can be obsessed with the costumes, I don`t really get XD I personally try to avoid looking at them for longer than say, 5 seconds a day. I like my eyes non-bleeding XD

I tend to joke and say "sho is a way better artist than I am", but unfortunately, that is actually true :/ I`d like to be able to say I`m better at using my brain than my hands, but alas, I don`t consider myself all that smart either XD not creative either ;_;
I used to be able to copy-draw (as in, have an example of a drawing, and be able to almost identically copy it by hand), but even that ability kind of went down hill when I started high school XD


flange5 October 23 2010, 23:57:16 UTC
I love the costumes! They tickle my sense of the ridiculous.

And there's something both terribly sweet and slightly sad about so much time, effort, creativity and money being lavished on things that so often are so . . . . terrible.

Just think: How many people had to mad really specially bad decisions for it to culminate in these objects&hearts

It makes me quite whimsically happy ^^;

Drawing kind of comes and goes for me. I'm ok at it, but nothing special. I have very little independent creativity, I think ^^; But I have fun and follow whims, and that's good enough for me ^_^

I think I might go eat a cookie ^_^ Of course, then there comes the choice of which one. I think I'll eat the more obviously fail ones first ^_^


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