Title: The Marvey Chronicles
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
Other characters: Donna Paulsen, Norma, Jessica Pearson, Louis Litt, Harold Jakowski, Gregory Boone, Rachel Zane
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,849
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: The Pearson-Hardman employees fangirl over Harvey/Mike.
Chapter XXV: Smoothing out the creases )
Comments 6
You have super hearing. It gets activated whenever you're around Marvey. You're a recon agent for a reason :D
Yes, Harvey's been nicely spoiled and I think that often happens with partners who have their secretaries help them with almost every aspect of their lives :) I hope I can squeeze all the scenes left into the next chapter since I'm going to skip time between ch.26 and ch.27(marriage), hmm. We'll see!
Ahaha, you still want porny stuff from me? XD You of all people should know how bad I am with porn, haha. Well, I suppose I can insert(lol) a R scene that shows the aftermath of their toy sessions. I'll see what I can do but you know me. R isn't my forte!
Thanks for the comment! I live for comments like these <333
Thanks for the lovely attention :) I hope I can finish it not too lamely!
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