Title: The Marvey Chronicles
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
Other characters: Norma, Donna Paulsen, Louis Litt, Harold Jakowski
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,425
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: The Pearson-Hardman employees fangirl over Harvey/Mike.
Author’s note: Special guest character for this chapter is
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Comments 2
Great job, as usual! Now...onward...write more!
See ya later Marvey! *pats Harvey on his perfectly rounded bumm, then pats the pup on the head and walks out the door* :D
I'm a huge fan of Bubble so it had to be done, haha. I think she has striking similaries with Mike. The whole blond/blue eyes cute appearance, bleeding heart, fighting the evil, ability to kick when the situation calls for XD
Now that you mention Harvey's bum, it did seem perfectly rounded when he was talking gravely with Donna while Mike walked in, telling them how he saw Elvis. I hope it's finally summer in Pearson-Hardman and they'll all wear very thin clothes *no shame*
Thanks for the absolutely lovely comment :D
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