I'm really tempted to try this, but I've got to see what my hd_holidays assignment looks like. Authors and potential podfic-ers check it out! Give your old holiday fics a chance to be heard!
OMG! You should SO try it!!! It's fun and short fics don't take too long (you can finish in a weekend easily). Tons of people are around to help out new podficcers, too!!! Think hard about it (but not too hard)! It really is fun and makes you experience fic in a whole new way.
It sounds like fun and there are some really good fics up for grabs! I'm just not sure if I can commit to both that AND the fic for hd_hols. I'm super slow when I'm writing! :) I'm definitely thinking about it though. I'm gonna see what happens on Tuesday when I see what my assignment is. And you're very welcome for the pimping. I love your podfics and look forward to hearing the new ones.
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Thanks for pimping and even considering it!!!!
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