Shrine Prostitute Update

Feb 14, 2009 05:58

Yeah, so I forgot to update this here
Chapter 21: Determination.


Man, this thing ended up so much larger than I'd anticipated. At 35 pages/17,000 words it's double the size of the last chapter.

If I ever get around to writing another story I'm definitely keeping it in smaller chapters - more manageable me thinks. Gah.

shrine prostitute

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Comments 11

landofthekwt February 15 2009, 00:33:48 UTC
Great chapter. I liked the effort of Kagome for Inuyasha in this chapter. Nice interaction between Sango and Miroku.
And IYFG says The Shrine Prostitute is not Darkfic. They really should read this chapter.


flametwirler February 17 2009, 06:33:35 UTC
Yay, glad you liked. ^_^

Sango and Miroku are a source of amusement to me as well - a possible sanctuary of a less angsty relationship (at least as far as this fic is concerned) but I'm not sure how much they'll get to feature. (The story dictates itself on me - I really don't have much choice, haha.) If not they may get a story of their own at some point.

Ah yes, and the perception of the 'darkness' of the fic. All in all I was just highly amused, haha.


doggieearlover February 15 2009, 01:29:57 UTC
It was a very good chapter, and my heart went out to both of them in it. I was also pleased to see Miroku to come into it and that he is very much himself in his actions from lecherous ways to concern for another being. Considering everything you had to include I can see how it ended up so long, but it wouldn't seem complete if any of it was missing. Anyway, I do look forward to the next one.


flametwirler February 17 2009, 07:48:30 UTC
I was really nervous about pulling Miroku into the story. I don't feel I have his characterization down as pat as Kagome or Inuyasha (considering I've been writing them forever it seems like) - and Sango's much the same. So I'm really glad to hear you say you like how Miroku behaved and that it seems very much like him. *whew!*

And yeah, this chapter was massive but I think it needed to be. Normally I aim between 18-24 pages and when it goes over I'll find a place to cut it but there really wasn't anywhere that would have fit here. As you said, it all needed to be there so even if it hadn't been so late I probably would have kept it huge just because I'm a stickler for continuity. ^_-


valdemar303 February 16 2009, 16:54:27 UTC
I was expecting some steamy reunion scenes and instead look what I found!

That was intense, girl! And kinda heart wrenching too, if you think that he is like that for being with her.

You always do what I least expect but, keep in mind, I'm not complaining at all! ^.^

I'm very pleased to see that now Inu has another friend in the shrine. He needs Miroku there, and if what happened wasn't enough to convince him to go with Kagome, maybe some Miroku's lessons about women will do.

Now I really hope that the next chapter will come sooner.
Battered Inuyasha is all good and angst worthy but I need some more interaction with Kagome, those little things he said in this chapter made me miss him all too much!

And how are you? your head is still aching?


flametwirler February 17 2009, 06:00:34 UTC
Sorry to say but I'm actually glad I surprised you - don't want to be too predictable here, ne? haha. But don't worry, the nicer part of the reunion is coming up - either this coming chapter or the one after, depending on how long each scene becomes as I write it out. (Gah but I can be wordy sometimes.) Plus I'm still deciding the order of what's coming next so I'm not sure yet how long it'll take to get there. Blarg.

As for Miroku, well, I wouldn't call him a friend quite yet. A sympathizer definitely but I'm not sure how long it'll take for that relationship to progress. At least it's something though, ne?

And yes, the head is still a pain and unfortunately it's actually getting worse. Eventually I'll have to bite the bullet and get the brain surgery but I'm just not ready to do that yet. In the meantime I'll just take lots of pain meds and live with the mind haze ^_- Thank you for asking though - that's kind of ya.


anonymous February 21 2009, 04:31:34 UTC
LOL I've found that if I write longer than 1,000 words, my readers on, they comment about how 'long' my chapters are. Then I snicker, because my chapters for 'Memoirs' have increased exponentially during writing...I'm half-way through 12, and it's 12 pages long (some of that is gratuitous make-out, but hey...)


demonsayankids February 21 2009, 04:37:29 UTC
And being a dingle-berry, I forgot to log in first...>.>; Yes, above post was me *Doh*. Anyways, I left a review on, but I guess I'll tell you again here *Squee* I actually fell about 4 chapters behind (what with moving so damn much this past year), but caught up, and went Oh no! Inu-babe! ;.; I loved how Kagome took care of him, being angry with the world, frustrated with him, and upset because she knew it happened because he went to visit her. <3

Gah, I'm such a sucker for tragic romance.


flametwirler February 22 2009, 09:55:21 UTC
"I'm half-way through 12, and it's 12 pages long (some of that is gratuitous make-out, but hey..."

Then again, it'd be a bit difficult to stop the chapter somewhere in the middle of them making out. That'd certainly be...interesting ^_-

But yeah, my chapters have grown with time - first story I wrote had much shorter (and lower quality) chapters, but I think a chapter length is determined just as much by the feeling and mood of the scenes as by the author's conscious decision, so whatever.

Anyone who's commenting on your 'long' chapters though is likely just encouraging you by saying 'yay this rocked!' haha.

and yay, glad you liked this chapter. Yeah, I'm a sucker for tragic romance as well. There always has to be some angst for me, something to fight against (although not usually this drastic) for the victory to be that much sweeter. (Plus of course i like getting on my soap box every now and again ^_-)

But yeah, I didn't know you'd been moving so much. What was that all about?


demonsayankids February 22 2009, 19:04:03 UTC
Husband's in the army. He got back from Iraq (Iraq to NY and me, VA to NY). He reenlisted to get an identifier, (Move from NY to TX, from TX to GA...). Dropped out of the school because he discovered he didn't have the...personality to be a nurse (Move from GA to AK ( ... )


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