
Feb 06, 2009 00:19

Well, here's a meme, ganked from bothknittingknotsandcaitriona

One word meme )

meme, shrine prostitute

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Comments 16

luxken27 February 6 2009, 13:18:25 UTC
On another note - I currently have 12,000 words written in the next chapter of Shrine Prostitute and I still have another scene to add. Will it never end?! Gah.


Just...how?! How can you write such long chapters? When my word count gets that high, I struggle to keep the whole thing consistent (and with wanting to break it up into smaller chunks).


flametwirler February 10 2009, 05:14:46 UTC
See, I have this little problem with being wordy...it's nearly impossible for me to write anything in a concise manner. I can manage (just barely) with drabbles <250 words, but anything more I tend to become entirely too verbose and go over drastically. So yeah, all my scenes that really should only take three paragraphs end up taking three pages.

So really, when I was at 12,000 I think I'd only had three scenes - much easier to keep it consistent then, ne? haha


luxken27 February 10 2009, 23:25:49 UTC
LOL, and I thought I was wordy...but definitely hold no candle to that!

I can manage (just barely) with drabbles <250 words

Amusingly enough, its been writing for word-limit contests that's helped me tame the verbosity. I guess there is some value in learning how to say what you want to say in the fewest words possible...sometimes, at least.

So really, when I was at 12,000 I think I'd only had three scenes - much easier to keep it consistent then, ne? haha

Yes, definitely! :) 10K for me is like 7-8 scenes of varying lengths, covering quite a bit of territory (depending on the fic)...but three scenes should be easy-peasy to keep internally consistent.


madmiko February 6 2009, 21:25:18 UTC
Oh, very interesting meme there--we can learn a lot from one-word answers. ^_^

Heh heh! I know the feeling of those chapters that just won't end. My longest one hit 33,700 words. But I think mine average between 19,000 and 23,000. I always have a certain scene I want to end on, and sometimes there is just a lot of stuff that must be covered between here and there. LOL! (My current chapter is supposed to be a short one--I am splitting the original planned chapter into two to try to avoid it being insanely long, but for some bizarre reason, this "short" chapter started out with an 11-page opening scene. And I have at least 5 or 6 more scenes to write. *grins sheepishly*)


demonsayankids February 7 2009, 19:37:29 UTC
O.O 23,000 words? On one chapter? An 11-page opening scene? O.O It boggles my mind. Where do you get the energy/patience to write for that long? I'm lucky if I can eke out 14-pages in a single chapter. @.@


madmiko February 10 2009, 21:35:36 UTC
You know, I honestly don't know. LOL! It just sort of ... happens. I guess it's because when I first come up with the stories, I have certain scenes in mind for my chapter cliffhangers, and so when I start writing a chapter, I have in mind where I want to end it. And there are always scenes that spring up out of nowhere and make the chapters longer. ^_^

I'm actually thinking about trying to shorten my chapters when I start my next story, but it will mean adjusting the way I think about them. Each chapter tends to have a theme or be a little arc. But I end up with stories that are only 16 - 20 chapters long, which looks deceptive considering how long they are. And with them being so long, I don't always get the feedback I'd hoped for on certain points because there were simply too many points. LOL!

I think 10-14 page chapters are probably a good length. The readers are able to take in all the info and comment on the subtle little points. How long does it usually take you to update? That's another important thing to


flametwirler February 10 2009, 05:20:18 UTC
Wow, I think it's my turn to boggle. And I'd always thought my chapters were long! Then again I don't tend to read my own chapters on ff or mm so I really have no basis for comparison to others, really. Maybe they just FEEL so long because it takes me months to update...*sweatdrops* (How silly is this, but when I first open a new chapter on a story I've been waiting for an update on the first thing I do is look at the scroll bar on the right side to see how big it is - the littler the more excited I get. me = nerd, right? haha.)

And yes, I agree with the below. That requires more patience than I think I'd have. By the time I finally get something legible out I'm too excited to post it to really write another few thousand words.

Mad props, woman!

And yes, yay memes! (I think I'm an addict but I try to stem the flow ^_- haha.)


demonsayankids February 7 2009, 19:34:53 UTC
XD If it makes you feel better: I'm trying to work on three stories at once, just to get them done (One is over a year old, another is 6 months, Memoirs is the last one). Only one I'm on a roll (memoirs). The other two rather make me want to stuff my head into a blender and hit frappe, in hopes that it might straighten out my higher brain functions. XD

Good luck with Shrine Prostitute. XD I haven't written one chapter that long in ever (The longest I think was a hair over 10,000 words). *respect*


flametwirler February 10 2009, 05:26:41 UTC
Gosh, I don't understand how you can do multiple stories. I have so many I want to work on but just the thought of actually working on more than the one is enough to drive me crazy. (drabbles work but nothing with commitment.)

And yay, finally finished the chapter! Capped it off at 16,500 thereabouts and have it off to the betas. I hope to never, ever write a chapter this long again. It was at, what, 30 pages I think? that's just ridiculous.


anonymous February 7 2009, 22:47:13 UTC
whatever the final word count will be, I'm sure it's going to be another great chapter..

one silly reader who's very hooked on your story ^_^


Beta? demonsayankids February 10 2009, 05:00:10 UTC
just out of curiosity, how long does it usually take you to hear back from your Beta? I'm on week 3, waiting for her reply, and I'd like to know what's going on, but I'm uncertain how to word it 'politely'...>.>

I'm not even certain she wants to continue betaing this durn thing...


Re: Beta? flametwirler February 10 2009, 06:43:01 UTC
It depends entirely on the individual. At one point I had two betas, the one lagged significantly behind for a while, I finally sent her an email of inquiry, and she told me she just too busy and didn't think she could do it anymore. (Currently I wait about a week for edits, but like I said, depends entirely on the individual and just getting a feel for them ( ... )


Re: Beta? demonsayankids February 10 2009, 07:49:19 UTC
LOL Considering this woman is at least 20 years my senior, I would NEVER say something like that. >.<; She might send me a verbal bitch-slap back. I actually just sent her an e-mail and she explained that she's in the process of planning/writing her own story, and doing Beta edits for FM (who she's worked with longer, and is primary beta for), and forgot to send me the last batch of edits I sent her LOL

Either way, I'm probably going to be hunting for a new beta. Le sigh. In my reply, I basically said that since she was so busy, I would let her work and maybe we could work on another one together at a later date when she wasn't so busy. >.>;

Fuu. So, you available for Beta?


Re: Beta? flametwirler February 10 2009, 10:19:11 UTC
Huh. How funny. I don't see what's wrong saying that to someone, even someone you're trying to give more respect to because they're older. But I don't really see anything even a bit bit offensive in that. Interesting. My only guess is that it's just because I'm a bit forthright, as I mentioned, so I tend to take things as face value and expect bluntness in return. Meh. Either that or I'm completely socially inept ^_- (Sorry, tangent, just had me intrigued a bit - I really just don't see it.)

I'm up for beta if you're interested but I do have to warn you that I unfortunately tend to be a bit slow as a beta.


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