title: a man of confidence
flameandignite aka moi!
characters: jack sparrow, anamaria (obvious jack/anamaria)
summary: visiting tortuga after five years of travel, jack gets some unexpected unspoken news.
wordcount: 270
rating: pg
disclaimer: i don't own pirates and if i did, the films would have either stopped after cotbp or just centered itself altogether on jack sparrow and jack sparrow along, with a nice finishing touch of anamaria by his side :-)
author's notes: this is written for
blackpearlsails drabble challenge. i am taking advantage of these drabbles to brush up on my jack/anamaria. i have loved this pairing since the first film, read fan fiction immediately after watching the film, and well, now, i'm attempting to write it on my own.
He'd stepped onto Tortuga with the confidence of a man whose head was not worth one thousand sixty-eight Guineas dead. He'd walked around the coast of the dangerous island with the confidence of a man that was returning from a long trip to a woman that would be awaiting him. He smiled with the confidence that a man has knowing he will be in for yet another grand adventure.
However, his confidence faltered when he saw a small mulatto girl, calling for her mother to hurry up. And just when things had been odd enough, he felt as small as the smallest blade of grass when he saw Anamaria, the woman he'd grown to respect and crave after, his favorite first mate, follow behind her.
Taking a few steps backwards, Jack froze as the girl turned to look at him, eyes so much like his own and he found himself completely torn. Anamaria had said nothing, simply given him a knowing glance and though it had been five years since he'd seen her last, Jack could do the math. The girl was the spitting image of her mother but she had his eyes and when she smiled at him, his smile. The Black Pearl was only a hundred or so yards away.
Finding himself stuck absolutely in the middle, Jack looked at Anamaria, his daughter, with fleeting thoughts of drifting right back to the Pearl. Anamaria stared at him intently, the very same way she'd stared at him the night they'd created this child. He could never forget and Jack, for once, had found himself at a loss for words.
end notes: i left it open ended so people could have their own suspicions as to what jack would do. please share your thoughts!
ETA: i am currently working on a bigger plot bunny for this little drabble and i'll hopefully have the first chapter up before the end of the year. :-)