I'm borrowing this sub-header thing from
thamiris, because this post just got longer and more disjointed.
in which I do not believe what I am told
I don't know why I'm such a doubting Thomasina. Back when everyone started going on about Ocean's 11and how it was so slashy and there should be stories, and then there were stories, I nodded my head and said
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Comments 29
Speaking of that kind of boy -- and of recs -- I find myself wanting to pimp a fandom to you. Because everyone should know the crackladen joy that is Prince of Tennis. I would totally send you a DVD or two full of it if your computer has a DVDROM. (DVD full of AVI files = something like 20 episodes.)
Maybe I should find one episode and check it out. You know, let it sneak up on me. :) Exactly how crack-laden is it?
They also made MUSICALS. And it has its own band AU. Clearly, whatever the animators were smoking is something that should see wider distribution.
*ponders* One episode, huh? I should see which one is the late-in-the-first-season recap episode.
Okay, that does sound like a certain amount of cracktastic fun right there. As does the comment about musicals. I'll keep an eye out for this. :)
Actually, two different things, really, as one of my favorite boys of all time was all about the workaholism and responsibility, but nobody would have called him repressed or stoic. (Well, maybe the ones who knew him best. His front was very sunnily cheerful -- and not wholly a front, just... often more calculated than natural.)
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Yay! *bounce* *squee* Wasn't it amazing? Talk more! *g*
Heeee. They could be not-yet-together, still fumbling around obliviously (on Alan's side at least; Billy is in no way oblivious to what he feels) or, as Sandy pointed out after watching it, they could simply be together *already* and the writers were simply not allowed to state so explicitly. *g*
Not so much with the sparkly this time, no. I think someone hit the "random" button for me in December or so...
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