Maxi's Taste,Dare #15: Darren and Cassandra

Feb 23, 2010 00:52

Darren: So, how do I look?

Dirk: Like you cut off the pinky fingers of those who anger you. Seriously though, how far back in the closet did you have to reach to find that old mobster suit?

Darren: Hey, I think it still looks pretty hip…

Dirk: You are sadly mistaken, Pops. Off white suits are not what’s hot in the streets these days.

Darren: Your generation knows nothing about fashion, with your baggy clothes and pants on the ground and whatnot. I used to turn heads in this suit.

Dirk: It’s not like they could help it, loud as it is. Besides, what occasion is so special that you’d consider dressing like a mob boss?

Darren: I told Cassandra we’d do something special this weekend. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do. I considered taking her out on the town, thus the suit…but I’ve taken her to every fancy restaurant in the greater Pleasantview area. I’m stumped.

Dirk: You and Cassandra go on dates-

Darren: Outings. We go on outings.

Dirk: …Whatever. You’ve been taking Cassandra on these doutings, then, for like 3 months now. You’ve taken her to some pretty swanky joints…and in normal clothes. What’s so special about this weekend?

Darren: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that…

Dirk: Wait, before you start. Is this the conversation where you tell me how men have needs and you don’t want me to feel a certain way about sex with someone other than Mom? Because I get it. I know what it’s like to have needs.

Darren: I’m glad you understand the male sex drive, but that’s not what---wait, what do you mean you have needs?

Darren: …

Dirk: …

Darren: …As I was saying, this weekend…I kind of wanted to make it “official” with Cassandra. Actually court her. Make her my lady.

Dirk: You mean you haven’t been? I assumed with all the dat- outings, it was already official.

Darren: No. I’m sort of the best friend, the listening ear. We’ve talked about a possible future, but she said she’s still hurting and needs time. Well, she can still heal and be my lady, too.

Dirk: I see. You’ve really been playing your position, haven’t you? The nonthreatening best friend...that's a pimp move, right there. Are you asking my permission to start a relationship with her?

Darren: Not permission,'s just that there is a difference between fulfilling sexual needs and actually having a relationship with someone after your mother.

Dirk: Pops…Mom’s been gone for 4 years. I miss her, but I would never be selfish enough to deny you companionship. You can’t cuddle with me, after all. Well you can, but it would be creepy. Cassandra’s a nice lady. You have my “blessing.”

Darren: You’re a good and wise kid, Dirk. Mom would be so proud of you, you know that?

Dirk: I know she is. She’d want you to find love again. So I’ll make myself scarce this weekend. Maybe take Lil to Crypt O' Night. Don’t do that whole taking her out on the town thing. Have a nice dinner here for a change of pace. Watch movies or something, don’t be so pretentious. Be honest, and tell her what you told me. I think Cassandra would appreciate it.

Darren: I can’t believe I’m taking dating advice from a 17 year old.

Dirk: But I’m always right about these things, aren't I? I hope Cassandra sees it your way.

Darren: So do I, kiddo. So do I.

It Started With A Kiss

Darren: Hey, Cas. You look beautiful.

Cassandra: Now why do I have a funny feeling you’d say that even if I was wearing a paper sack?

Darren: You would be beautiful wearing mud.

Cassandra: It’s a good thing I’m such a humble person. You’d have the average woman’s head swollen.

Darren: It’s a good thing you’re not average, then.

Cassandra: Isn’t it?

Darren: So are we going to go back and forth like this, or do I get a kiss?

Cassandra: I suppose.

Darren: That’s better.

Cassandra: Mmm. You’re in a fun mood. You must have something up your sleeve. I hate surprises, you know that.

Darren: No, no. Just you and me. At home. Dinner, some wine, television and conversation.  It was actually Dirk’s idea. He says I’m too formal and that if I keep it up, I’ll wind up reminding you of Mortimer.

Cassandra: I tell Mary Sue all the time, Lilith may be the rebellious one but she picked the better boy. Well, I’m glad you followed his advice. This is much more cozy, isn’t it?

Darren: That’s the idea, sweetheart.

Cassandra: I had a really good time tonight. It seems like the only time I laugh is when I’m with you.

Darren: I’m glad I make you happy. I do make you happy, don’t I?

Cassandra: Yes. You make me very happy.

Darren: I can make you even happier, if you let me.

Cassandra: Darren…

Darren: I can make you smile like that every day. It’s no secret I want you, Cassandra. I want to be a father to your daughter. She needs a good male role model. She loves me and I adore her. So how much longer are you going to make me wait for you, my love?

Cassandra: No, it's not a secret... You’ve been a perfect gentleman. Patient and doting. And I’m here soaking it all up while giving you nothing in return. I’m selfish, and I don’t deserve you.

Darren: See, here we go. You do this every time we have this conversation.  And I back off because I don't want to cause you anxiety, but not this time. You do deserve me. You don’t think you deserve a man who will be faithful to you? A man who thinks the sun rises and sets on you? I’m tired of being your friend, Cassandra. Say you’ll be with me.

Cassandra: I don’t want you to deal with my baggage…I’ve been through so much with Don. I’m ashamed that I put up with his cheating to say I had him. I’m ashamed I set such a bad example for my daughter. I’m ashamed that my father was right about him. I’m ashamed of what my mother would think if she knew just how weak her daughter turned out to be. I can’t be the woman you need me to be because of all this shame...

Darren: Stop it.

Cassandra: Darren...

Darren: Hush. I told you to stop it, didn’t I?

Cassandra: Darren, we can’t do this…

Darren: You’re saying we can’t, but your body is telling me something different. Do you really want me to stop?

Cassandra: Yes…and no…mostly no...

Darren: Then stop fighting it. I’m nothing like him. You’re the only woman I see, and I’m perfectly content with you being my only. You need me as badly as I need you. I love you, Cassandra. Let me love you.

Darren: You’re trembling. Are you okay? We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.

Cassandra: Believe me, after all of that dry humping I’m ready. I’m just nervous. It’s been a few years since I’ve…what if I’ve forgotten everything?

Darren: People don’t “forget” how to do that, Cassandra. I promise you, it’ll be wonderful.

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

Darren: So this is me letting go, isn't it? I haven't taken off my band in 4's time, my love. I feel your presence sometimes...when I paint, I swear I catch a whiff of your perfume in the air. I hope you're happy with me. Another can share my heart, but never replace you in it.

dares, dare #15, maxis_taste, pleasantview

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