6:30am, a 4.4 centered somewhere in this vicinity. I heard a bang but honestly, that's the time of the morning when the kittens are getting into mischief so I ignored it
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Do you usually celebrate St. Patty's Day in terms of cuisine? Sometimes I celebrate this "holiday" & sometimes I don't, like today. Not even a scrap of green, let alone corned beef & cabbage. (I don't begrudge others, of course.)
Glad that you're feeling a bit better than before.
I'm wearing black and I wouldn't be caught dead drinking green beer.
I do like corned beef and especially cabbage but if not for the invite, I would be eating something from my fridge not at all in the theme of the holiday. I may be 1/4 Irish but I don't take it very seriously.
Well, dead people shouldn't drink. Although that might explain the wearing of black . . . ;)
I was pontificating about St. Pat's Day earlier, trying to figure out its significance in American culture. I mean, it's not an official (read: federal) holiday. Is it even a religious holiday? I mean, it celebrates a religious figure, but does it have attendant religious rituals? Is it simply an occasion to wear a specific color, eat specific foods & imbibe more freely? It's an odd day to me, as a non-Catholic & non-Irish person.
(I mean no offense with the above! Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!)
Vons is still around? Haven't heard of it in years. I remember the Vons commercial (from my childhood) of the karate guy halving red price signs to showcase how much you'd save shopping at their store.
Hysterical. The cats and I were laying in bed, completely relaxed. There are enough loud door slams that it's going to take more than a simple jolt to get my attention.
We don't get many quakes in the UK but there was a big one a few years back that knocked ornaments off my shelf.The expression of wounded innocence on my cats' faces was priceless.
In Tucson I would try to drive without making left turns, strategizing my errands for most efficient lane-changing.
And rye bread is one of very few things that I dislike so much I can't choke it down to be polite. Both rye and pumpernickel, actually. I can't eat "sharp" bread.
For st. Patty's I stayed home alone and are crackers and cheese for dinner. It was ok.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who trip-plans to avoid left turns and otherwise, have an efficient flow. I was educated early on to be a defensive driver and minimize chances for other people to put me at risk.
The last earthquake had me run to secure the computer, this didn't even get me out of bed.
Comments 18
Glad that you're feeling a bit better than before.
Love the icon, too.
I do like corned beef and especially cabbage but if not for the invite, I would be eating something from my fridge not at all in the theme of the holiday. I may be 1/4 Irish but I don't take it very seriously.
I was pontificating about St. Pat's Day earlier, trying to figure out its significance in American culture. I mean, it's not an official (read: federal) holiday. Is it even a religious holiday? I mean, it celebrates a religious figure, but does it have attendant religious rituals? Is it simply an occasion to wear a specific color, eat specific foods & imbibe more freely? It's an odd day to me, as a non-Catholic & non-Irish person.
(I mean no offense with the above! Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!)
I went to bed in a lousy mood sometime early in the morning yesterday and woke up around noon feeling better. It was short-lived..
Apparently I did my celebrating early in the morning. With you on the green beer.
Of course I'm not sleepy now either. FEH!
( ... )
And rye bread is one of very few things that I dislike so much I can't choke it down to be polite. Both rye and pumpernickel, actually. I can't eat "sharp" bread.
For st. Patty's I stayed home alone and are crackers and cheese for dinner. It was ok.
I am glad you are ok, in the earthquake.
The last earthquake had me run to secure the computer, this didn't even get me out of bed.
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