OOC - Character Information

Mar 05, 2006 12:50

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Fiyero Louis Auguste III | fiyeroauguste
House: Slytherin
Age / Birthdate: 16 | August 04
Year: 5th
Subject: n/a
Location: n/a

Bloodline / Heritage: Pureblood. Both his parents attended Hogwarts in their youth and actually met in the Slytherin house.
Personal History:
Fiyero is the only child of Fiyero Louis Auguste II & Jean Marie Fancis. Having traveled in the social circles of the elite Fiyero has yet to experience what it means to be "without". Being an only child Fiyero has been spoiled unlike one can imagine, having almost his every whim and fancy being met. This of course has been slightly offset his stern upbringing due in part by his Father as he is expected to carry on the family name. Tradition has played a huge part in Fiyero' life and it is also the reason why he is attending Hogwarts.

At the age of 5 Fiyero was first introduced to the arts of fencing and equestrian and has since fallen in love with both. If allowed the boy will spend hours upon hours perfecting his technique in both of these arts. Having won several medals in both these two activities have become Fiyero' outlet for expressing his often pent up emotions.

Personality: Fiyero is a very happy-go-lucky type kid. Yet when he sets his mind on something, nothing can stop him from achieving his goals. He seems to have two sides one that is more mellow and relaxed, the other a bit over the top. As his friends say "you never quite know who he is from day to day. it's as if there's two people lvigin in one body." All in all Fiyero is very charismatic and it is rumored that he may not particularly fancy the young ladies although no one would ever question hi in regards to that for fear of his response.

Physical Description:
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Waist: 31 / 80
Shoe: 10.5 / 44
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
very athletic

Preferred Body Model: Channing Tatum (Example Photo Here)

Hobbies and talents - max of five:Fencing, general fitness
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Boys er um girls.... *shifty eyes*, dancing, quidditch, riddles
Best subjects - max of three: DADA, charms, potions
Worst subjects - no max:astronomy, herbology, arithmancy
Broom (if applicable): n/a
Wand:cherry wood, 11", slightly flexible, single unicorn hair from the tail of a male unicorn (passed down from his father, tradition in the family)


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