Of course you don't.
This is 80% of my Hana Kimi picture folder. The remaining 20% I've posted already - they're screencaps.
These are mostly magazine scans and other fun stuff, more HK cast than the characters.. Because let's face it, the cast is *hot*.
MASSIVELY non-dial up friendly.
warning: taiwanese idols may kill you with cute. )
Comments 17
Sometimes I really wonder what Taiwan was thinking, letting these people all be in the same show together. It's really too much for me. And god, Ella, so hot, I have the hugest crush on her. Which is to say it's only slightly huger than my crush on the Hana Kimi boys and the other members of S.H.E. ;)
Everything needs more Jiro, I've decided. :)
There's a slight comfort in that I rarely find Wu Chun hot in haircuts other than his one in Hana Kimi or the ones resembling it (ie HK-related MV's).
S.H.E is so damn pretty, though. I'm not even talking about Fahrenheit because even the name implies hotness. They're like the designed, packaged hot.
Everything *does* need more Jiro. Especially my bed. The day everything *has* Jiro is the day I can truly be happy. :P
When you're done with those, I can tell you where to go next. You can also download the files here: http://ohsosublime.blogspot.com/2006/11/hana-kimi-subbing-project.html
Also, kneesocks + heels + pinstripe shorts = fj;dsajafsk I don't understand how she can look so good in that outfit.
But ha! His boots! Are wellies like teh hottest footwear in Taiwan right now?
The mystery of Ella hotness!
it's sad how i don't have like half those pictures. *steals*
now i want to make more icons. XD
Eeee, glad you enjoyed! And yes, Hana Kimi cast icons = always good.
He is so effing cute, he would be #2 on my list to have babies for. <33
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