Username: shadownashira Email Address: shadownashira (at) gmail (dot) com Level Of Art: All levels Fandom or Original: Fandom Preferred Fandoms: Supernatural, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Criminal Minds, Torchwood, Doctor Who, James Bond (movieverse), The Avengers, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files, Batman (movieverse) and others (including crossovers) Slash, Het Or Gen: Gen or slash Questions, comments, concerns: Looking forward to this round :)
Username: SusanMarieR Email Address: Level Of Art: Digital Manip Banner, Icon, and/or Wallpaper Fandom or OriginaL: Fandom or Original (with actor preference similar to characters, but note "original" and not RPF) Preferred Fandoms: (fandoms/pairings you'd like to create art for! This list can expand later.) Harry Potter (HG/DM, DM/HG/SS, HG/SS, HG/LM, HG/Twins, Gi/D, LL/HP), Firefly (Z/W, R/J, M/A, K/S), Life with Derek (C/D, E/L), Heroes (C/S), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy/Spike, Anya/Spike, OlderDawn/Spike), Angel (Fred/Spike), Dark Angel (Max/Alec), Dollhouse (Topher/Sierra), Big Bang Theory (Penny/Sheldon), Leverage (Eliot/Parker, Hardison/Parker, Eliot/Parker/Hardison), Vampire Diaries (Elena/Damon, Klaus/Caroline), Stargate Universe (Eli/Chloe, Scott/Chloe), Supernatural (Dean), Veronica Mars (Logan/Veronica), and many more. (no RPF or non-con) I love crossovers of Joss Whedon's 'verses! (CoverArt, Banners, eBooks, and/or icons)
Slash, Het Or Gen: Het or Gen... Slash as only a side pairing or
( ... )
Comments 2
Email Address: shadownashira (at) gmail (dot) com
Level Of Art: All levels
Fandom or Original: Fandom
Preferred Fandoms: Supernatural, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Criminal Minds, Torchwood, Doctor Who, James Bond (movieverse), The Avengers, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files, Batman (movieverse) and others (including crossovers)
Slash, Het Or Gen: Gen or slash
Questions, comments, concerns: Looking forward to this round :)
Email Address:
Level Of Art: Digital Manip Banner, Icon, and/or Wallpaper
Fandom or OriginaL: Fandom or Original (with actor preference similar to characters, but note "original" and not RPF)
Preferred Fandoms: (fandoms/pairings you'd like to create art for! This list can expand later.)
Harry Potter (HG/DM, DM/HG/SS, HG/SS, HG/LM, HG/Twins, Gi/D, LL/HP), Firefly (Z/W, R/J, M/A, K/S), Life with Derek (C/D, E/L), Heroes (C/S), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy/Spike, Anya/Spike, OlderDawn/Spike), Angel (Fred/Spike), Dark Angel (Max/Alec), Dollhouse (Topher/Sierra), Big Bang Theory (Penny/Sheldon), Leverage (Eliot/Parker, Hardison/Parker, Eliot/Parker/Hardison), Vampire Diaries (Elena/Damon, Klaus/Caroline), Stargate Universe (Eli/Chloe, Scott/Chloe), Supernatural (Dean), Veronica Mars (Logan/Veronica), and many more. (no RPF or non-con)
I love crossovers of Joss Whedon's 'verses!
(CoverArt, Banners, eBooks, and/or icons)
Slash, Het Or Gen: Het or Gen... Slash as only a side pairing or ( ... )
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