legacy » pterocles 1.1

Aug 08, 2010 20:06

Last time, we left our babelicious founder, Namaqua with a §19 date. So far, we know it's a girl ('cos we can see boobies) and she has blue hair.

I know this lovely blue/green creature is a Pixel Trade sim, however, I can't remember who she belongs to and her name is Celeste Nelson and she belongs to niloublue!. (Thank you bondchick_nett!)

Namaqua: So, do you find it odd, dating women? It's my first same sex date, so I'm really not sure how to procede since you don't have balls and all...

Namaqua: Although, it must be pretty cool to have an unlimited shoe closet, right?

Celeste: Ha! You've got no idea, honey.

Umm, so that went well, right? A date is a date, I guess.

Celeste: No, I don't think I know you quite well enough yet for hugs. See you later...

On with the next date then!

Namaqua: You're back again! Well, now we're friends, let's hope you can do better than last time. That girl was such a bitch!

Namaqua: I really hope you can do better than last time!

Namaqua: I paid §200 for this? Come on! That's like ... *thinks hard* ... more than 10 times more than last time.

Namaqua doesn't even let this date through her front door.

Well, I guess the §200 was towards the brand new TV Mr. Maxis gifted to Namaqua, which was more than enough to cover the cost of some house renovations. Double bed, here we come!

Dude, what? Namaqua didn't invite you in.

*finger snap* OH NO YOU DI'NT!

Ohhhhh. He just followed her in because she was answering the phone.

Namaqua: Sorry, I've got to take this call. Can I get your number and call you over again?
Mr. Maxis: No, I don't think so.

Pfft. Who cares about Mr. Maxis when Spike Underwood-Torrance (stakeit_uk) is around?

Spike: What's with the camera in our faces constantly? Are you in some kind of reality show, Namaqua?
Namaqua: Something like that....

Spike: I really don't know if I can perform under such circumstances. I mean, the pressure!

Namaqua: Oh, just give it a go. I seem to forget that lady is even here half the time.

Spike ran home after their romantic interlude, but Namaqua (who is following her first challenge to a T) won't forget him that easily.

Only because he knocked her up!

Namaqua: WHAT IS THIS? How am I supposed to date when I'm fat and pregnant?

Seems to me like a certain SPOCK Sowhut (leenyland) won't mind.

SPOCK: So you're pregnant, aye?

Judging by the sad situation in front of us, that date didn't go well either.

Poor Namaqua. Destined to a life of horrid dates.

Namaqua: According to Sim City Law Statute .... (You knew I had to throw that one in)

SPOCK: I'm not a fan of the law, baby...

Namaqua: Oh well! More for me! I've got two mouths to feed now.

Good god....

Why can't Jared Drunkenmiller (kingmike1224) be a date from the Matchmaker? I think they'd get on well.

All this datin' and relatin' has made Namaqua's pregnancy fly by.

Namaqua: Trust me, bitch, this labour isn't exactly speeding by!

It's a boy! With Spike's hair and eyes and Namaqua's skintone.

bondchick_nett suggested Owl and Eagle names for the kids due to Namaqua's love of law and order, however, I couldn't go past Albatross. It just sounds like an epic kinda boganish kids name.

After Namaqua got little Albatross to sleep, she thought it might be a good idea to invite Spike over to meet his son.

and to move in too, since she was fast out of cash and needed some serious help.

Well now, that was just what the Doctor ordered, isn't it?

One of the best things about the money? A brand new house, with a brand new ballet barre.

The worst thing about a new house? The fact that Namaqua and Spike can Woo-Hoo whenever they please and as such, Namaqua is pregnant again.

Namaqua: What are you talking about, bad? I'm quite liking this being a Mum business! All Albie does is sleep all day, so I can date as much as I want!

Namaqua: Now to think of a way to get rid of that darned Spike!

Bugger. This is the challenge I least wanted to roll. How do you stop a Sim from talking to anyone else in her house?

Spike: Seriously dude? Do you mind?!?

Spike: Piss off...

Oh Albie! My heart has melted.

The answer to that question about not talking? Hugging!

Non-verbal communication FTW!

Albie: But I don't like it when she doesn't talk to me. It gives me a sad.

Will little Albie manage to grow up well without a word from his own mother? What about the next baby? Find out next time!

round-robin legacy: pterocles

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