[And who's this stumbling out of an unobtrusive-looking door somewhere in the building? Well, several people, but Octopus is the loudest.]
Skippy, Snake, I swear t'god I'm gonna kick both yer asses.
[So who else has been god-knows-where for the last several months? Spooky (
a_sign_of_rain), CW (
girlwhocried), Roy (
americaftw), Mikhail the younger (
smallsorrow), the aforementioned
downtotheblood, the Fury (
tinyplasticfury), Alexei (
civilizedentity), Vitaly (
backinblackout), Alain the younger and actually more annoying (
octotot), Ilya the younger and marginally-less annoying (
psychoshota), the Painlin (
canseebees), an Otacon (
falcoooooncodec), a little-seen Mei Ling (
solitonlove), and a Russian Ration (
eatenbyagru). And they all blame
ghostlyglow and
mistakesnake (yes, even the Ration).]
[[Why look it's somebody back from hiatus. High school AU characters are retired, sadly unless you convince her otherwise. Well that was fast. Also
ahostofstudents and