Flea-va, Las Vegas! Part One

Jan 05, 2012 11:34

The next morning after the thwarted alien invasion finds Julie, Poly and Zodon hiding in the bushes at the end of a runway at the local Airport. Last night Julie had decided to talk with Ms. Kyle to convince her to stay and Poly had immediately agreed to help. What was surprising was Zodon volunteering as well. Unfortunately they never found a time when Ms. Kyle was alone and no one seemed to know where Miss Kyle lived, so now they were quickly approaching their last chance. Zodon had said he had a plan though and so Julie and Poly followed along as, aside from Moon Shadow himself (and perhaps Tyler, Julie would add if asked), Zodon was the best planner of the school.

"You're sure you know which one is Miss Kyle's plane?" Poly asks stretching her head above the bushes. Elastic powers can be useful at times.

"Flight one seven zero two," Zodon replied in a bored voice from his robotic chair while he read from his computer screen. "It'll be the next plane to taxi to our end of the runway."

"Why couldn't we sneak in through the airport?" Julie had to ask. She wasn't quite sure of Zodon's plan as it involved her and Poly stowing away on-board the airplane.

"Watch lists," Zodon replied still not bothering to look up.

"What are those?" Poly asked.

"Build a few super-weapons and you'll find out," Zodon replies before finally looking up at them. "Okay, now, Poly, your elasticity will let you stretch over a mile right?"

"One time, I grabbed our mailbox when my mom was driving to the mall, and when we got there, my arm was..."

"That would be a 'Yes.'," Zodon interrupted as he swung his chair around to point the catapult-like gun towards the runway. "Grab hold of the projectile. It'll pull you to the plane."

"What about me?" Julie asks.

"Can you fly faster than a jet?"

"Uh...I dunno."

"Then tie one of Poly's legs around your waist or something. When she takes off, you go and try to keep up. Grab onto the plane's tail without tearing it off."

"Thanks for helping us, Zodon. We can't just let Miss Kyle leave our school like this!"

"Good thing you came to me for advice. Following her on vaca...er, that is, to wherever she's going will show how so very, very sad you'll be when she's gone."

"Here it comes!" Poly calls out.

"This rocket is basically made of vinegar and baking soda on steroids. There's less forensic evidence that way," Zodon says arming the gun. "And so nobody notices you, the gun's scrambling field generator will...huh, something's already sudsing the Radar." Zodon notes as he plays with the controls a bit more.

"Are we going to miss the plane?" Poly asks as she watches the plane pick up speed on the runway.

"Zodon airlines is never delayed. Fasten your seat belts and don't forget to say 'Hi' to Miss Kyle for me!" Zodon says taking aim and firing. Poly is yanked into the air as the projectile flies and Julie takes off right after, doing her best keep up with it on her own. All seems to have gone according to plan as Julie reaches out and grabs the plane's wing.

"We made it!" she calls out surprised that she out flew both the gun and the plane. She looks over for her friend and only finds her hand. "Poly?" she says as she turns her head to follow the stretched out arm. "Oh, golly. Hold on!" she then calls out as she sees the rest of Poly hanging far behind the airplane. She sets to pulling her best friend in and soon enough Poly is close enough to say, "Thanks! But...I got hooked on something!"

"What?" Julie says looking back.

"VIVALDI! GOULASH! TENOR SAXAPHONE!" Zodon yells from the tangle of the leg not wrapped around Julie.

"Why does he say stuff like that?" Poly yells to be heard over Zodon and the wind.

"I think it happens when he tries saying naughty words," Julie yells back as she continues to pulls Poly and now Zodon in.

"I had plans for this week! This is setting world domination back five years...do you realize that?!"

flea-va las vegas

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