also fuck ads but I needed the icon space, I think this journal will also serve as an OC dump when it suits me.
NAME: Montgomery Kingsmill
AGE: 17
DESCRIPTION SHIT: Monty Kingsmill is the guy who is generally well-liked because he is a hilarious bag of douche. He is both polite and tactless, FULL O' FACTS, lacking somewhat in social skills, and strongly opinionated. Stiff upper lip. Annoying but, again, really oddly likable--there's something undeniably amusing about his limited upper body movement and uncanny ability to think and prove everything you say is wrong. He has a seat on the student council and is discreetly angling for salutatorian for reasons undisclosed and most likely incomprehensible. Monty is a very straightforward kind of guy and is very quick to wave off the allegations with which the school is often faced; his own father went to this school, after all, and his brother's coming next year, so Monty is making damn sure the school's good enough for him.
There's something about the way Monty pursues stupid goals, like being salutorian instead of valedictorian, like not dating a girl until he has a HS degree, like nearly starving to death because he wanted to learn to play harpsichord professionally in a week and a half and you can't do that and eat three meals a day at the same time. You could call it OCD, but the truth is, he's fairly literally a man of his word. He comes from a long line of magic servants who, quite simply, do as they're told; however, his father fudged up the system by marrying someone he shouldn't have. As a result, Monty operates on a queer basis of doing everything he pledges to do, with the assistance of some diluted but malleable magical power. This is good for him as a goal-oriented person; this is bad because he has one or two people who know his secret and are total dicks about it. DICKS.
In summary: Think diet house-elf, but seventeen-year-old humanoid pissant.
FUN FACT: He likes stacking things. He will stack everything on his desk if he has nothing better to do.
Icons are nabbed from some one-shot titled "Seven Days -- Monday-Thursday" dug up on
free_manga, hand-colored.
I think this will be good for me! Because I don't normally do OC RP and...it's been awhile since I've done anything original at all.
I DO want to RP sometimes, but not necessarily at
campfuckudie. But on that note, I wonder whom I can hit up for stupid post-camp RP.