This is a constant WIP for at least the next few weeks. (So, you know, if you're ever bored on a rainy day and want to poke a Photoshop amateur, then.)
Also, I need to go to the bathroom really badly. I am just sayin'.
Am digging understatedness of the gradients. If I'd stuck with the first scheme the same gradient probably would've washed out the hair; in the other schemes the highlights and such stand out more so I can tack up a blue/gray thing without worrying too much about colors commingling horribly. Also, the thing about having him unfortunately sheet-white is that a lot of things will bring him out nicely! Fantastic!
perhaps there is some compromise to be met...later this week
just realized I must've accidentally erased the fingernail emphases on the second one. Dammit :(
Messing with the Crusnik icon originally resulted in the whole thing remaining essentially the same with a splot of red tint in the upper-left corner--you can sort of see for yourself where it would've gone. But it looked kind of dumb because it couldn't be both a tint and At the same time. It would come out sort of pink, or sort of orange. Frankly I think throwing a red tint on the whole thing worked out pretty well. Will work on variations.
cool gradients. Blue/purple/grayish things. Absolutely no green.
Drive-by input a-okay and, in fact, vastly appreciated!