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Comments 12

lunchy_munchy August 14 2011, 11:08:34 UTC
Hello, I have come baring a very, very, VERY late reply :D D:

Recs are pretty amazing - I mean, I don't even know where to begin with how amazing I feel that recs are!! And that you did The Fifth Act as well as Dear Kunsel and World Domination is just ♥ ♥

I'm sorry you missed the epilogue of The Fifth Act the first time, but also a bit happy as well - I definitely intended people to assume the tale had ended, and therefore switch off. Just like at the cinema, I feel like epilogues are what the film makers give you to congratulate you on sitting through their credits :) And wow, that was quite the tale of motivation! I'm amazed you were able to listen and write at the same time! epic kudos, dude.

Also, I should put in that I'm afraid to listen to the second half of Fifth Act. Seriously afraid.

Thanks for all the nice things you said in your recs! I'm so not worthy, but so ecstatic all the same ♥ ♥ I have not forgotten about the last pod, btw! Please bear with me ♥


fish_echo August 22 2011, 20:42:15 UTC
No worries about the lateness-- comments are always awesome whenever they happen. And I'm queen of the lateness myself, so I completely understand! And sorry about the lateness of this reply! *extra facepalm*

:D I'm glad my recs have made you a fraction of as happy as your pods have made me! :D

Heh, if I hadn't skipped the epilogue, I would have been an hour late to work! (Annoying train schedules....) And as you say, it was an extra-neato surprise the next time I listened to it :)

I have no idea how I was able to write and listen both but I'm not going to think too hard about it in case it stops working! ;)

For whatever it's worth, I've never noticed anything off in the second half of Fifth Act-- but maybe I'm too caught up in listening to you tell me a story to notice all the horrendous mistakes which litter it and...impede the enjoyment of the story not at all and aren't noticeable?

No worries about the final pod-- it'll happen when it happens and that'll be awesome! :)


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