Вырезка из "Moscow News" 1982 года

Aug 14, 2019 18:00

Заметка о популярной музыке. Я ее сохранил просто на память, а сама газета использовалась в учебном процессе как адаптированный источник текстов для изучающих иностранные языки. (В школе мы читали ее на французском как "Les Nouvelles de Moscou", на физтехе - на английском).

И вот мне его распознали онлайн (я немного поправил):
Jon Anderson-vocals, Steve Howe-guitar, Chris Squire-bass, Rick Wakeman-keyboards, Alan White-drums. YES was started in 1968 after Jon Anderson met Chris Squire in a London pub. With three other musicians they worked out the idea of a group that would have good vocals and a powerful, musically inventive backing. The first two YES albums saw the group struggling to make their musical ideas work. It warn't until their third L.P., The YES Album, that they found the sound they wanted. During the early years of the group several of the original members left and other musicians replaced them. The most important new member was Rick Wakeman, who had a classical music training and was able to play many different keyboard instruments. He helped the group to develop a sound as complex as a symphony orchestra. In albums such as Fragile, Close to the Edge and Tales from Topographic Oceans, YES explored what they called 'sound painting' in long melodic pieces. Though they built up a huge, world-wide following, they had to face some serious problems. In 1973 Rick Wakeman left the group to make his own albums. Then with the rise of punk and new wave YES's music was widely criticized for being pretentious and boring. However, the group has survived. Rick Wakeman has now rejoined as a full-time member, and in their album Tormato they've returned to writing shorter, livelier songs. From "Club"

Неизвестный ретушер так изуродовал фото, что никого и не узнать. Можно предположить, что слева - Крис Сквайр, а справа - Стив Хау, но это не точно :) Я пробовал нагуглить такое фото, но получил только отдаленно похожие 1974 года - может быть, из той же сессии:

А теперь послушаем короткую жизнерадостную песню из альбома "Tormato", который уже не скучный и выпендрежный, как прежние. Рик Уэйкман, Джон Андерсон. "Мадригал":

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yes, видео, физтех, jon anderson, скан, музыкальная археология, rick wakeman

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