Because I
just did a sad rec list, I feel the need to give a happy rec list. I'm beginning to think that I should really give in and get a delicious account so I can tag things to my heart's content. However, that sounds like a lot of work and I don't like work! So for the moment I shall continue pretending that delicious doesn't exist.
Like last time, these are all SGA. Assume things are gen and tame in ratings unless otherwise stated. Oh, and if you have other fics (any fandom) that you think belong in this sort of list, feel free to drop things in the comments! I think I've got links to all the podfics, but if I missed any, please do let me know.
So, in no particular order, I present funny stories/stories that make me happy the vast majority of the time:
Botany Strikes Back!Author:
slybrarianWord count: 791
Summary: "Oh, I see how it is. Botany's not a real science; it's just a bunch of plants. No one ever wants to take a botanist hostage, it's always "oh, Doctor McKay, could you build us a bomb," or "construct a death ray or die"."
My Notes: David Parrish and Katie Brown, Botanists of Action! I love this to pieces! And while it is a part of a 'verse (which you need zero knowledge of), there appear to be no other 'Botanists of Action' stories, which saddens me greatly. :(
Friendly CompetitionAuthor:
siegeofangelsWord count: 1300
Summary: Post-Return II crack fic; hugging. There comes a time in every fangirl's life when she has to choose between writing a meaningful story with accurate characterization, and one where Ronon picks up Caldwell and swings him around in a big circle. Just . . . go with it.
My Notes: I have this mentally bookmarked as 'the competitive hugging fic'. Really, only in SGA could this not be crack. (And regardless of the author's opinion, I consider this not-crack on the basis that it is the sort of thing that could have actually happened. I am considering adding this story to my personal canon because, well, awesome! And that means that I could reference it when I write other stories and *squashes bunnies*)
The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love [The Pix or it Didn't Happen Remix]Author:
bitter-crimsonWord count:
mp4 and
avi read by
busaikkoSummary: No author's summary given. This is the picture-heavy remix of
this post (a transcription of an IM conversation between
rain-dances and
minor-fifth: "the epic love of two cookies from different sides of the baking rack").
My Notes: This is Sheppard/McKay. Also, there is graphic cookie sex, if that bothers you. (Have I said lately how much I love this fandom?) There are very many pictures, so if you have a bad internet connection, set it loading and then go make some cookies or something and then come back.
Watch The BirdieAuthor:
jadesfire2808Word count:
Summary: Sheppard had long known that his football footage wasn't the most unusual personal item that had been brought to Atlantis.
My Notes: This is the sort of thing that I am convinced happened, or if it didn't, something very similar occurred-- A bunch of geeks and a bunch of military folk in a galaxy far, far away? A rubber ducky going on missions is the *least* of the oddities that will crop up!
The Break Room IncidentAuthor:
ediblewolfpeachWord count:
Summary: Just an insane piece of the Mensa-verse.
My Notes: The fact that I am as amused by this story as I am probably is a sign I am about mentally 12.
soraya2004Word count: 2300
Summary: No author's summary, so I shall provide a quote for you!: he conducted a lengthy and comprehensive threat assessment, which consisted of poking the debris with the tip of his pencil.
My Notes: Ah, the perils of testing eavesdropping equipment in your own city :) (Gen, with mentions of two slash pairings.)
In the Jumper Bay (aka RPS for Puddle Jumpers)Author:
damerelWord count:
mp3 read by
wihlutaSummary: No author's summary. First line: “Then the scientist kissed John,” ...
My Notes: John/Rodney, definitely NC17-- unless your work is much more liberal than mine, don't be listening where you'll be overheard. And the recording really is great, she has different voices for each of the 'Jumpers and that's quite awesome :)
The Universe is not EnoughAuthor:
trinityofoneWord count:
mp3 OR
m4b (audiobook) read by
general-jinjurSummary: Based on
postcard. Deadly-calm, deadly-serious: "I'm a spy," Rodney said.
My Notes: Yay, Rodney and Chuck being spies! Wouldn't it be great if there was more spy!fic (in this universe or in another, I'm not picky)-- Y/Y? *murders the bunnies this idea spontaneously generated* This is pre-McShep.
The Day The Truth Serum Got in Everyone's CoffeeAuthor:
sheafrotherdonWord count:
Podfic: Doesn't exist. Yet. I would remedy the fact if I had a mic. (And also wasn't a big fraidy-cat about my voice.)
Summary: What it says on the tin.
My Notes: This story is actually ridiculously hard to find via Google, even when you've recalled the title nearly word-perfect and remembered the fact that the word 'bendy' was used *glares at Google*. Also, I somehow didn't have it bookmarked (this problem is fixed now).
The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay, Plus Other Interesting StuffAuthor: Deastar (
Word count:
mp3 audiobook (m4b) read by Twilight (
Summary: All of this drama about her tragic love for Lorne has been distracting Elizabeth from her real priority: The Top Secret, Super Awesome, Ass-Kicking, Name-Taking, Huzzah for the Genius Elizabeth, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, And He Shall Reign Forever and Ever Anniversary Present of Unparalleled Magnificence and Splendor.
My Notes: I saw the podfic of this show up on my flist and I thought, "I must listen to this now!" and then my internet connection crapped out and then I had to run errands regardless. Which is very sad, because any errands-running would have been vastly improved by listening to this fic (right up until they locked me in the loony bin for grinning like a maniac. So maybe the internet crapping out when it did was fortuitous?) There are pairings, but I feel no need to warn for them.
Stuck on youAuthor:
darsyniaWord count:
Summary: "Isn't that just typical," Chipped muttered to himself. Then, a little louder, he said, "You don't have much room to talk--at least I don't have a *mutant edge*. I thought there were regulations against that sort of thing."
My Notes: So I go over to
sgastoryfinders to ask the nice people if they know the link to the story where John and Rodney are ice cubes and someone has already asked it halfway down the page. Yay fandom hive-mind? This is one of the stories that has contributed to the phenomenon that I like to call: "Reasons Why The SGA Fandom Has Stolen Fish's Heart And She Doesn't Need it Back So Long As You Keep Producing Quality Crack Like This" So, yes, SGA delicious crack! Also, they are icecubes, did I mention that yet? (McKay/Sheppard. Ice cubes. G-rated.)
I really love the following stories and they can almost always be guaranteed to make me happier, so I clearly had to include them on the happy-making list. But they actually have plots and things! So they're a bit different than the ones above. These are all John/Rodney, and all are some form of AU/AR (I use them interchangeably):
Small Primes and Square RootsAuthor:
liviapennWord count:
Podfic: Does not exist, even though I wish it did. :(
Summary: "I hope you picked someone really intelligent, otherwise it seems like it would be kind of a waste. Of incubation time, if nothing else."
My Notes: The one where Jeannie chose John to donate sperm, then gets killed in a car accident, so Rodney adopts her daughter. John looks up Jeannie before heading off to Antarctica and ends up pen-pals with Rodney. Really, really sweet. I lost the link to this for a while and was really happy when I found it on someone's rec list.
Mau Loa Means the Time We HaveAuthor:
gaiaanarchyWord count:
Summary: AU in which John never gets to Antarctica. He and Rodney meet anyway.
My Notes: Takes place on Hawaii. The characterisation is very well-done and the story is very sweet, but I am not quite sure I can explain exactly *why* I love this story so much (clearly I am the despair of my Literature teachers), just that it is better than the sum of its parts. :)
Strangers on a Six TrainAuthor:
eye-queueWord count:
Summary: No summary given.
My Notes: So Rodney works as a prof at NYU and takes the train (subway?) to work. On one claustrophobic day John talks him out of a panic-attack. Flirting eventually ensues. And there's even a phone call to Jeannie (who is mostly-somewhat-kinda estranged but not really) and their relationship/relationship-fail is very awesomely done-- it walks the line between caring and dysfunctional-but-trying, and Jeannie gives good advice without being some deus ex machina... There's the line: A minute later, he called her back to apologize and ask how she was, because she was his sister and he loved her, and he was working on changing that bad habit he had of screwing things up with people he cared about which defines this Rodney for me (and also exhibits the author's grasp of language-- so very lovely!). Please to be disregarding the part where I spent most of my review talking about Jeannie-- John is there! I promise!
I shall stop now. This list is getting slightly ridiculously long.
And any of these which currently lack podfics I think would be awesome podfics. *hints to the internet at large*
ETA3 (3 Apr): Part two of this list [
has finally been posted]
ETA1 (8 Feb): I may have spent nearly a week assembling this list and I still managed to leave fics off of it. Grrr! And I've thought of enough others at this point that I'll be just making another post in a bit (probably another week). And any fics that get left off of that list will have to wait, because I want to do a different themed rec list next (either 'sentient objects/Atlantis' or 'bait and switch'). I'll put a link here to the happy recs (cont.) post, whenever it does go up.
ETA2 (31 Mar): Wow, I still haven't posted the second edition of this list. Do I rock or do I rock, N/N? It is in the works, though, I promise! In actual news, I have begun updating this list with info (eg, wordcounts).