I swear this is my last post of the day. Honestly. I'll stop spamming you. I don't think I've ever posted 4 times in one day before. But... it had to be done. I FINALLY got to see Step Brothers, and... I laughed my ass off. I'm not going to call it a good movie, because it wasn't, but if you don't mind complete randomness and lots of
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Comments 16
LOL that line kills me every time
The only mail I got today was a letter from John McCain -- I voted for/donated to Obama, so I have no clue where he got my name from -- and I was waiting for DVDs today, too. (It's probably fairly obvious who is the star of these DVDs. Hint: It rhymes with Malec Saldwin.) It didn't even occur to me that there wouldn't be mail Monday. Oh, well.
Psh, stupid postal service. Why must they deprive us of our obsessions until after Labor Day? So not fair. I didn't even know that Monday was a holiday until my dad talked about being off of work.
Ferrell, funny.
Charlie Crews, sexy as all hell.
Winters, romantic, upstanding sexy.
Chick-Fil-A, delicious (allegedly.)
DL, sexy.
Soames, enchantingly menacingly sexy.
One of these things is NOT like the others. And, it ain't the Chick-Fil-A.
Ferrell, one sexyass bitch.
(Watch out, I went all Third Person there.)
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