That was so incredibly powerful! Oh my goodness. I applaud that you got all of that emotion and impressive scene work into only 100 words! It was so gorgeous!
The part I liked the most, was that I could easily see this scene inserted into the "deleted scenes" reel(I hope that doesn't offend you! Some authors are prickly about that, I mean it in a good way, I promise! :)) on the XMFC movie! It was so true-to-them! The dialogue, the characterization, everything was spot on!
I also thought you should know, I had a physiological response to your story! xP I visibly flinched when I realized what it was about(At least, what I inferred it to be about), and that takes a truly skilled author to garner that reaction from readers!
So, in case you couldn't tell by my probably, overly lavish comment, I loved this "Drabble." It was phenomenol. Thank you so, so, somuch for sharing!! :)
My goodness, thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I really enjoy drabbles and consider them a writing exercise, so I'm thrilled you liked this. And no offense at all! I would have liked to see something like this in the film. ;)
Comments 4
The part I liked the most, was that I could easily see this scene inserted into the "deleted scenes" reel(I hope that doesn't offend you! Some authors are prickly about that, I mean it in a good way, I promise! :)) on the XMFC movie! It was so true-to-them! The dialogue, the characterization, everything was spot on!
I also thought you should know, I had a physiological response to your story! xP I visibly flinched when I realized what it was about(At least, what I inferred it to be about), and that takes a truly skilled author to garner that reaction from readers!
So, in case you couldn't tell by my probably, overly lavish comment, I loved this "Drabble." It was phenomenol. Thank you so, so, somuch for sharing!! :)
Cheers again and I so appreciate the time. :)))))
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