Fiction, Web Software, and You (aka: Sev's Desperate Plea For Help!)

Mar 23, 2008 21:47

So I've been sitting here writing my share of the porn for HNtDB* and thinking about writing in general. I'm kind of peeved at and their recent Crusades Against All Sensical Punctuation (including scene breaks of all kinds). One of the reasons I like LiveJournal for my writing is that I know once I post something in brokenprism, it's going to ( Read more... )

writing, you don't have to admit to the porn, how not to date blondes, a distinct lack of pants

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Comments 21

venefica_aura March 24 2008, 02:12:17 UTC
Dude, just import a wordpress template into your site. It'll be under your domain, but it'll have their programming. Just like posting to LJ, only not, like, possibility of bahleetion.



first_seventhe March 24 2008, 11:43:10 UTC
I had a blog a long time ago, but it was basically over-run by spambots (remember the MHS blog?) and kind of ruined the rest of the site in general. So I'm leery about that sort of thing, mostly because if they found it once, they could easily find it again.


venefica_aura March 24 2008, 16:16:40 UTC
Well wordpress has a damn good spam filter. All my fic is backed up on a wordpress account and I haven't had any spam get through. Not only that, you can set it so that you moderate comments, so you can pick out any spam that might get through (if any).

I remember that. XD But yeah, like, I'm just thinking of the laziest way to store stuff possible.



first_seventhe March 24 2008, 16:28:30 UTC
Hey, I like lazy, and if it's spam-bot-free it might be the easiest and best way to go. I just had to take down all my blogs on that site because they ended up swamping all my stats with spambots (not that, y'know, a lot of people went to my website anyway, but... ;) )


shanaqui March 24 2008, 02:18:23 UTC
Porn is clearly uber-important. :3


first_seventhe March 24 2008, 11:44:07 UTC


lassarina March 24 2008, 02:50:26 UTC
*takes advantage of your lack of pants to molest you*



first_seventhe March 24 2008, 11:44:35 UTC


girlshy March 24 2008, 02:54:19 UTC
As said above, WordPress is quite good with stuff like that. It has a nifty email = update feature which I'm itching to try but have yet to find a good reason.

I've become enamoured recently with Google Docs which allows you to email/send attachments and then click a nice 'publish' button later but it seem less intuitive on that side. is however, great for co-writing stuff...but that's not an issue.

So yeah, WordPress would get my vote. (^_^)


first_seventhe March 24 2008, 11:46:04 UTC
I absolutely LOVE Google Docs and I use it all the time. I'm more talking somewhere that I can post work to get comments, not for a collab. (Although all of my collabs use Google Docs, BTW. It is seriously made of awesome.)


heyheyrenay March 24 2008, 03:06:02 UTC
I agree with the suggestions of installing wordpress (or having someone inclined do it for you) and posting work like that. Bonus: there are loads of free themes available! I do suggest wordpress since I divorced MT LONG AGO.

Although I guess I am not yet jaded enough to believe LJ is going to come after people who post porn on its servers, I still like the idea of having work in multiple places (I love my website but it is hand-coded and that would drive most people insane). I love the idea of spreading stuff across. Fandom centralized scares me!

On the bright side, here comes OTW!? With their awesome software that will be ready in oh six months or so. XD


first_seventhe March 24 2008, 11:50:17 UTC
Having my website hand-coded was basically its downfall. I never updated anything because it was so complicated to update, and basically I stopped posting any writing OR art there. (Other than photos of my cat, of course -- but even that's automated by Gallery.) I mean, ideally it's the best way to make sure you can do exactly what you want, but in the end, uh, I'm lazy (see Sev's Law) and just won't do it. This has been proven!

But yeah, mostly I realized that my writing isn't really archived anywhere other than LiveJournal. And while I don't really think LJ is going anywhere, and I also don't think they're really going to move to a PG webspace like most people seem to be afraid of ... I still need a backup! I mean, what if something happened to brokenprism, even if it was an innocent mistake? I'd cry. I have copies in random places, but I should really own my own freaking archive.


heyheyrenay March 24 2008, 16:34:20 UTC
Oooh, also ovo_lexa had good advice, too! eFiction = thumbs up!

This whole thing makes me sad, though. Why does FFN have to be such a cock? I do NOT want to edit all my work there, and I'm close to taking it down since they do this every few months. sdlkhflhfff


first_seventhe March 24 2008, 16:38:11 UTC
I actually just got really depressed about this entire thing like 20min ago when I started my lunch break and went to look at my account and found all my stories have been liusdk;jf;klsjdklj they look terrible. I mean ... Yes was basically a series of scene breaks! Now it looks like I am a robotard author who can't write. >.>

I'm also thinking of just bailing. It makes me sad, but then again, I haven't posted there in a while anyway. I use LJ more as it is.

random P.S. - there is a new FFDQ because I am also awesome


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