1992 Valencia Rd. - Saturday, Early Afternoon

Dec 26, 2006 03:29

One thing that Dr. Thomas Oliver has learned in recent weeks is that as exhausting as Ranger duties can be (and no one is more qualified than he is to talk about that), attempting to control a crowd of rowdy and sugar-buzzed teenagers can quickly become ten times as bad. Normally such inappropriate, rambunctious behaviour would have landed the entire class, Dino Rangers included, with an extra assignment over the weekend.

Normally. Yesterday, Tommy decides as he rolls over onto his back and pushes his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, was not a normal situation - an intense battle on Thursday that he still aches from and a beautiful Friday afternoon.

-Shit... The pitfalls of living somewhere that has a pleasant climate all year and loads of creepy monsters. Couldn't've picked a better place could you, Tommy? Oh no, you had to stay in sunny CA even after Mercer disappeared. You're a fucking moron...-

He's tired, exhausted, and the last thing he wants to do is have yet another assignment to grade come Monday. Yesterday afternoon had been lovely and he himself had been eager to get out of the classroom and into the fresh air. It should have come as no surprise that his students, little more than children and a decade younger, would feel likewise.

-But did they really need to be so... obnoxious, about it?- Tommy stretches and turns a page in his book, holding the bound pages as a shield between his eyes and the sun as he reads. It's some dense text on the principles of biorobotics, but he seems to be enjoying it (and certainly has his share of experience in the field).

It's better than reading poorly written high school term papers, at any rate!
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