Title: "Twenty Questions" Author: Little Red Category: fireman!verse Sparky. Sort of... angstifluff. Is that allowed in this AU? Summary: They are the same people, they're just in the wrong place.
Yesssss... because... they really are all capable of So Much More, as we've seen, and they're the same people, and it's tragic as well as assloads of fun. :)
OH THIS IS BRILLANCE! I totally connect with LIZZIE! And RC is all evil and bad to the environment, this is EXCELLENT! and Sam with the sirens! And you totally took stuff from my fic and I feel all SPECIAL LIKE KARA THRACE NOW!
I <3 Lizzieeee! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your fics in this 'verse so goddamned much. LOVE THEM FOREVER. I totally just went and reread the first two and flailed with total joy again. And I felt kinda weird for making your totally sex-crazed flippant gleeeful characters be Deep And Introspective, but errr... they're allowed to be that way in the middle of the night, right? Right.
Comments 41
*loves it*
Oh man. This is great. GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!
*clings to John and Lizzie in any AU*
I also really love the idea of John being a bicycle messenger. :D
And thank you!! Yay. *had lots of fun with this one*
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