
Jul 31, 2008 14:43


My parents are about to file bankruptcy to avoid forclosure, my stepfather has lost his job and is facing criminal charges over some missing money at work*, at of the end of this month I will be uninsured, my mom did not get the promotion at work she was counting on, and my family has re-arranged the living room so there is a literal sword ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

elwood012 August 1 2008, 01:49:54 UTC

That's rather terrible-hope things get better soon.

Tried to call a couple minutes ago...


firelizard5 August 3 2008, 03:23:52 UTC
You did, didn't you? I do apologize that finding a time when I am awake, near the phone, and not busy is such a Herculean task.

Thanks for the hugs. it is really not quite as bad as it seems, even the sword thing. We are handling it, one thing at a time, and even managing to have a bit of fun in the process. It just seems that when it rains, it pours.


elwood012 August 4 2008, 08:11:50 UTC
Ok. I'll try calling on Tuesday…been pretty busy lately, but if there's anything serious, feel free to call me at any hour.

And yeah, it is strange how these things seem to all happen at once...


spinnersend09 August 1 2008, 07:07:36 UTC
Good lord...*hugs*. Just think, surely it must go up from here.


plutoplex August 1 2008, 15:18:57 UTC
More *hugs* -- may things start improving.


firelizard5 August 3 2008, 03:11:23 UTC
Thanks. So far, the general situation is under control. In fact, the house is looking much better now, since James is home all day, and has nothing better to do than fix things.

Though it was a bit of a shock when I turned on the kitchen sink and it shuddered and sprayed me in the face because he was off getting a replacement sprayer hose. He forgets to leave notes :)


firelizard5 August 3 2008, 03:14:32 UTC
It always happens all at once, doesn't it?

In fact, the situation is not quite so bad as it seems- no explosions or death or anything. This was more of a general news dump, you know, saving those awkward conversations:

So how was your weekend?
Fine, except I lost $20 at the laundromat. You?
*Drama Vomit*


scifiben August 3 2008, 00:14:56 UTC
I wish there were something I could do to help. Sadly, I am now even farther away than before, having finally made it to temporary housing in the Seattle area. But if there were any way I could send you some of the real-estate value of this absurdly large apartment (which I'm not even paying the rent on, so my control over it is nil), I certainly would...


firelizard5 August 3 2008, 03:07:39 UTC
Revel in your absurdly large apartment- my family shall at least never lack for a place to live, so long as we have the church and our extended family network. Thank you for the support, though.

How is the new job working out?


neldluva August 5 2008, 03:06:09 UTC
Oh, so that's where all my drama went.

*super big hugs* I'm sorry to hear all that. Doesn't sound like you have much good news coming your way. Fortunately, we'll be back at school soon, and hopefully you'll get some distance from those problems. In the meantime, all I have to offer are long-distance good wishes. And I put some pictures from Japan up on facebook, if you'd like to see. Some of them are pretty cool!


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