Ye Olde Kink/Squick Post

Jan 18, 2004 13:15

I've noticed a lot of people create these sorts of posts in fandom, and it does seem like a fairly easy way to be able to point someone to "here's what I do/don't like or will/won't write or beta." I'm focusing a bit more on the will/won't write/beta, because if you're writing for me, odds are you're doing it with some sort of prompt already in hand.

The fandoms I write (so far) include Angel, Black Jewels, Buffy, Chalion, Doctor Who, Firefly, Harry Potter, Sharing Knife, Temeraire, Torchwood, and Vorkosigan as well as crossovers between two or more. I'm open to trying others as long as I'm familiar with them.

Some of my favorite canon and non-canon pairings are, by fandom:

  • Doctor Who/Torchwood: Jack/Doctor, Doctor/Rose/Jack, Doctor/River, Doctor/River/Jack, Vastra/Jenny, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Tosh, Ianto/Tosh, Jack/Ianto/Tosh, Jack/Martha, Jack/Ianto/Martha, River/Tosh, Tosh/OFC
  • Harry Potter: Snape/Hermione, Hermione/Remus, Snape/Lupin, Snape/Hermione/Remus, Snape/Harry, Harry/Neville, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Luna, Ginny/Luna, Ginny/Tonks, and Bill/Nevile
  • Vorkosigan Saga: Miles/Gregor, Cordelia/Alys, Miles/Ekaterin, and Ivan/Byerly
  • Buffy/Angel: Willow/Tara, Willow/Kennedy, Buffy/Satsu, Buffy/Faith, Willow/Oz, and Cordelia/Angel
  • Bones: Angela/Roxy, Angela/Temperance
  • Black Jewels: Jaenelle/Karla, Karla/Gabrielle
  • Xena: Xena/Gabrielle

Though I'll often give other non-canon pairings a shot to read and maybe even to write. With a couple of exceptions, noted below, I'm willing to give most canon pairings a go.

Pairings that squick me the heck out include Remus/Harry, Sirius/Harry, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ron, Harry/Hermione (usually), Giles/Buffy, Giles/Willow, Giles/Xander, and Giles/Dawn. There's a common theme here except for the one canon pairing: while none of these characters are related by blood, their relationships are very close, and I perceive them as familial. Therefore to write them as a romantic or sexual pairing hits my mile-wide incest squick. Sorry. So therefore, and I hope obviously, actual incest is straight out as well. Oh, and Spike/Buffy. Can't manage that at all.

Characters I'm unlikely to write as sympathetic, though the occasional writer can sell me on them: Sirius Black, any of the Malfoys, the Master, the "blue hands." Um, that's all I can think of right now. Of course, if you want them evil, I'm happy to oblige. *g*

Kinks or things I love to read and write: hurt/comfort, strong characters in vulnerable positions, twists on cliches, antagonism as a mask for or else leading to caring, and for some reason, sensuous bathing scenes.

Squicks or things I'm probably not going to write and would mostly rather not read or beta: incest, rape, chan (as in explicit sex with one or more kids under 16 involved - yes they do it, and I certainly don't mind reading that they've done so in the context of a story, but I don't want to "watch," so to speak), gratuitous bashing of characters/genders/whatever, pubic shaving or hair removal, and BDSM.

There are probably several things I've missed, and I'll add them if they come up, but the bottom line is that I'm fairly vanilla for someone who both reads and writes femslash, het, slash, and the occasional threesome. :-)


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