Dec 19, 2009 04:57

AVATAR WAS FREAKIN' ORGASMIC. I have not seen a movie so utterly beautiful, full of nature or organic. *____* (Of course, I spent half the movie freaking out over the graphics and half the movie going "...Can something like that actually biologically exist? " ) My cousin, her friend and I went to go see the 1 AM showing (crazy, I know) but it was ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

alanna214 December 19 2009, 10:02:55 UTC
I went to the 3D IMAX showing at 12:01am last night. XD It sold out. I'm really, really glad I went. OMG Avatar rocked. If I wasn't busy tonight and tomorrow, I would go see it again. \^_^/ I might just do that Sunday & Monday... I absolutely <3 watching movies in the theater. *drool*


firebird_88 December 19 2009, 17:35:25 UTC
It did rock! :D I dunno if I can watch it again though, I thought the story telling could've been better. The strength of the cast and the visual effects definitely helped pull it through though.


alanna214 December 19 2009, 17:38:30 UTC
Yeah, I know. The story itself is pretty generic. But I just loved being lost in the movie. I would have been content if it had been longer. ^_^"


yoursuperbeast December 19 2009, 10:19:31 UTC
lkjhghj I should hopefully be seeing that movie wednesday *3*.


firebird_88 December 19 2009, 17:34:51 UTC
Visual orgasm. Definitely worth it. :3


yoursuperbeast December 20 2009, 22:51:27 UTC
A retarded question, maybe. But, me and the boyfriend might be going to see it in 3D. So, say if we get fed up of watching it with the glasses and want to watch the film as normal, is the screen proper colours?

... I am thinking not, because I've watched 3D films at home before, and, though it's cool and everything, I really can't be arsed half of the time, so I am hoping cinema would be different.


firebird_88 December 20 2009, 22:55:56 UTC
O.o Proper colours? Yeah definitely. It's really high-tech and you don't really notice the 3-D-ness 'cause it's pretty subtle. It's not liek the crappy 3D you see in museums. However, it's a VERY colorful film to begin with, so you may walk away with a minor headache like I did. XD; Still worth it though!


nijibug December 19 2009, 16:52:37 UTC
Wow! The first positive review of Avatar on my f-list. xD I was thinking about going to see it, but there just seemed to be an uncomfortable attitude towards the movie amongst the ppl I usually read or hang out w/ in real life. I watched the trailer this week and it kind of de-appetized me, but I still really wanted to see for myself.

So would you say it's more of a visual experience than a decent film? And is it worth my money?


firebird_88 December 19 2009, 17:34:35 UTC
Really? O.o; Everyone seems really into it here.

Story-wise, I agree with the critics, it could be stronger. Cameron definitely relied a lot on the strength of his cast and the visual effects to carry the story. (In all honestly it was Pocahontus on crack lol.) But the visual effects are very original and absolutely beautiful!


nijibug December 19 2009, 17:43:20 UTC
"Pocahontas on crack" is what I've been hearing a lot, actually. I think most ppl's problems lie there, + the fact that the visuals were wholly unoriginal and aimed at an audience with no prior exposure to video games, also the issue of scruples.

I still want to see Avatar eventually, but I don't want to support the film with my money, so I'll wait around for a pirated dvd or something to that effect. I understand there are films like this, like Watchmen, where it needs to be seen on the big screen. But in this case it's just the CGI, not so much the panel-by-panel staging as in Watchmen, so I'm not going to miss much. Avatar's acting, I've heard, is stellar. So that's all I'm prepared to invest in.

Some other reactions:
http://halcyonjazz.livejournal.com/314341.html (from halcyonjazz)
http://shiegra.dreamwidth.org/78842.html (from shiegra... )


firebird_88 December 19 2009, 18:06:37 UTC
Well yeah. xD; I dunno, I'm easily won over by the shiny. I didn't pay much attention to the story and paid more attention to the creatures and animals and stuff.

I think Avatar should be seen on the big screen. :/ It's visually overwhelming, and I don't really think you'll even get remotely the same effect by watching it on the small screen. Its like LOTR a litte, with those giant frames of New Zealand.

And if you think about it, a small percentage of the population ACTUALLY has exposure to video games. We only know a lot of people that are into video games because we're that age. Our parents and a ton of people (like most of my girlfriends) don't play video games. But for what it's worth, I've seen plenty of video games and I still love the world that was invented.

Also, I tend to not take people's opinions about movies into my mind before I watch the movie. It'll ruin a perfectly good movie for me that way. :/ Although I think Avatar is more or less ruined for you.


abaeran December 21 2009, 22:17:46 UTC
It truly was a visual delight.

Avatar was one of those movies that as soon as I finished watching it - I was ready to watch it all over again. All 2.5 hours of it.

It came to a point where... I preferred to see the Na'avi over the humans. They were way more interesting than the pale-skinned crazies who always want to destroy anything remotely green. (Pocohantas on crack - totally true)

Now... a true visual treat would be too see this at IMAX in 3D. People would probably throw up - but it would be an awesome experience. :D


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