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Comments 6

tinturtle March 18 2024, 02:46:41 UTC
Ooh, a long and meaty kapusta post.

elmey had left us in November last year

I don't know if you saw that Pros' msmoat/PFL also passed away in January.

But I did think, what if I went backwards? Read a fic from the current year and then from each preceding one?

I'd love to read your commentary on your own bingo variant.

Thanks for all your thoughts on rape in fic. They make a lot of sense. I do think they way it is used has changed, and your thoughts about why are enlightening.

A sequel for 'The Long Trick' (Pros) - nope, but I thought it might be nice to see the story from Bodie's perspective, so that's at least a plan

Ooh. Sign me up for that. :)

Overall, it's great to have you back. I hope LJ fandom continues to be something that fits in your life.


fiorenza_a March 19 2024, 05:28:52 UTC

No, I had no idea we had lost msmoat as well :0(

What a rotten start to the year.

Thank you for welcoming me back - I have missed our chats :0)

I'm a bit stymied on the fic front at the mo due to my latest IT mishap. But I should have more time for reading and posting as the year wears on. I'm only a bit behind myself now because I've been a bit under the weather lately.

Hopefully, my next Kapusta post will be less 'meaty'. I'm glad you thought my comments on the rape trope had some merit. My Kapusta posts are about the only real journalling I do, most of my journal is random musings on life and fic...


gilda_elise March 18 2024, 18:26:15 UTC
I love elmey’s stories. It’s terrible that we’ve lost her.


fiorenza_a March 19 2024, 05:17:05 UTC

It is so sad, her stories always have such depth and sophistication of feeling - they're grown up in the best sense of that phrase.

But if she'd never written a word, she was also just a lovely soul. She will be very much missed.


unbelievable2 March 20 2024, 09:56:02 UTC
Brilliant post here about the rape trope in its various forms and the whys and wherefores. I'd not thought of it in terms of a historical progression but now you point to how attitudes and fan writing has changed I see entirely. I am not a deep reader in Pros anymore, and TBH when I started years ago a lot of what I encountered, and was put off by, was this kind of writing. I don't think it's occurred to me to see how this kind of presentation has been changing - which perhaps is the issue with a long-established archive and playing lucky dip with fic (tags? sheesh....). And again this is not something I have though a lot about, but to chime with your analysis it's always grated on me from a writer's POV that the use of the trope in fic is so inherently clunky. Not only because of its focus on Lust!Lust!Lust!Redemption!Redemption!Redemption!, but because in doing so it misses the point about what rape is generally about - subjugation and domination.


fiorenza_a March 21 2024, 09:19:19 UTC
I have no idea how some of those writers ended up writing slash - not that I think they were. I don't think they had a clue about gay sexuality and very little inclination to find out - or even any understanding that maybe that was an obligation.

I sometimes think Pros venerates its history too much. There is a lot of problematic thinking in its past which I don't think gets interrogated the way it should. On the other hand the historic hysteria over things like Gentle on My Mind seems bizarre - esp as it was inspired by 'Tim'. Both 'Tim' and GOMM are problematic for their depictions of disability - but they are not pedophilia by the back door, which is the unspoken assertion behind much of the hyperbolic outrage surrounding GOMM.

I sometimes think Pros could do with a healthy dose of iconoclasm.


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