Here's a Thing: Maybe Doyle Does Have Green Eyes...

May 26, 2021 01:12

Height 5' 10'' - Green Eyes - 1990

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ebay, the professionals

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Comments 14

hagsrus May 26 2021, 00:35:05 UTC
I found a page from one of the magazines, I think (can't put my finger on it just now) which identified green eyes.

Various speculation over time as to possible color change with age, or possibly contact lenses.


fiorenza_a May 26 2021, 00:39:09 UTC

My personal suspicion is a natural colour along the lines of a greeny/blue and the sort of actorly license the business accommodates...


tinturtle May 26 2021, 02:01:05 UTC

... )


tinturtle May 26 2021, 02:03:33 UTC
Obviously he had been reading the fanfic.


fiorenza_a May 26 2021, 03:56:00 UTC

Obviously :0)

Even though I'm not a green-eyed Doyle devotee, I think Mr S's eyes can look green in certain lights, I don't think it's all artifact of the VHS.

It's really common for people to have more than one colour in their eyes. At least it is here - I can't speak for other countries !


hagsrus May 26 2021, 03:36:26 UTC
Found the page

Includes a drabble I did on the subject.


fiorenza_a May 26 2021, 04:11:35 UTC

Ooo - it's too late (or too early - insomniac night and now I'm sleepy) to read all the comments and everything now - but I read your drabble - which was great fun - and deserves further dissection - and 'pond scum' - that's the colour of my eyes!

How fabulous :0)


(The comment has been removed)

fiorenza_a May 26 2021, 04:00:57 UTC

Now why don't either of those things surprise me :0)

I shan't be bidding (I've spent quite enough) - although, I did save a copy of the eBay pic because it is interesting to ponder.

But I thought other people might like the eBay link while it's still available.


ali15son May 26 2021, 05:14:00 UTC
Sorry it was deleted by mistake by myself, i pressed the wrong button, i have more of Lewis than Martin of these agency pics though i can say that when i was talking to Martin face to face i wouldn't have said that his eyes were green but then that depends probably on the lighting.


fiorenza_a May 26 2021, 06:26:26 UTC

No worries :0) I was really worried I'd managed to delete it for you !

I've never met any of the lads in person, but Mr S's eyes - via the media - have always looked more blue to me :0)

freetraveller15 made the same point about light on my last Kapusta post - although I managed to completely miss it until I logged on to make this post - very much my bad 🙁

And as I said to hagsrus - mine look like pond scum !


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