[Heroes] Voyeur (Nathan, wee!Peter)

Jul 17, 2008 16:45

Title: Voyeur
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Nathan, wee!Peter
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 294 (W)
Thanks to: snopes_faith, the 'you stupid bugger' beta.
Summary: Pigwacket looks happy.
Notes: Third installment in my Pigwacket series. See also one and two.

When he’s five, Peter loves spying on Nathan when Nathan thinks Peter can’t see him. He does nothing different from his usual day: he studies, eats, sleeps, tidies his room up. When he’s angry he bends down and does press-ups on the floor. When he’s nervous or worried he frowns in a way that makes him look so much like Dad. When he can’t sort out his homework, he chews on his pencil’s end until he peels it like a carrot. (Peter does that too, but Nathan reproaches him and pulls it from his mouth, saying Peter’s going to have his teeth grow all crooked. Ma says nobody likes children with crooked teeth. Nathan has got them all straight and white like a fresh new eraser.)

This afternoon Peter left Pigwacket to keep Nathan company, sitting him on the edge of the table with his back against a huge pile of books as thick as bricks. Pigwacket didn’t comment the decision, with his usual indifferent expression, even if Peter thought he saw the fur around Pigwacket’s little triangular nose wrinkle a bit.

From the crack of the half-opened door, Peter sees Nathan reaching out absent-mindedly toward the bunny, without raising his eyes from the book. Nathan’s fingers stroke lightly the long ears, touch the ragged seams and the crooked ribbon with the unstitched hem. Pigwacket is silent - the little… little… pig. Nathan takes one of his paws in his hand and squeezes it for no apparent reason, gently, like he could break him. He keeps squeezing it while he underlines his book with the pencil in the other hand. He says nothing; Pigwacket looks happy.

Peter tightens his lips and goes back to play in the garden, a little less happy than he was.

pairing: gen, fic, series: pigwacket, language: english, fic: heroes

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