Natalie Nunn (order / заказ)

Feb 15, 2011 14:39

It took me alot of time to finish this order. Usually I don't take it that long, but this time it happened, in the beginning I couldn't start for a long time, then I could continue and then there were things which didn't depend on me. But I've finally finished. I like how the header turned out. But my content blocks still sucks. They are not ( Read more... )

vertigo-designs, веб-дизайн, paid orders

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Comments 2

absolute February 15 2011, 13:23:02 UTC
Ты мастерица. Свежий цвет такой. :)


fionaa February 17 2011, 12:15:21 UTC
Спасибо! Это был один тех заказов, когда мне говорят "делай на свой вкус". Поэтому цвет выбрала сама, я люблю зеленый :)


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