Title: Postcard Sunsets
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
NUMB3RS Main List Don grabbed his ringing cell phone from his desk and snapped it open.
“Hey, it’s me.” Charlie’s voice announced.
“Hey. Did you try calling me before?”
“Couple hours ago, but you didn’t answer, so I took a nap.”
“I forgot my cell to the office, I just got back here. It was weird, I felt naked
without it.”
“I know the feeling. I forgot my pants.”
“Chuck, are you talking to me without your pants?”
“Currently, yes.”
“Put them on now, or I’ll hang up.”
“You know I have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Fine, wait a sec.”
Don could hear rustling of fabric and then Charlie picked up the phone again.
“Okay, I’m decent.”
“Why exactly are you naked in middle of the day?”
“You don’t think I would be napping alone when Colby’s on vacation, do you?”
“Okay, that was a dumb question. Forget I said it.”
“So why did you call?”
“I just wanted to let you know we’re leaving for a week.”
“Where are you going?”
“To the Bahamas.”
“Are you serious?”
“I know it’s sudden, but Colby’s got one more week off, and I can arrange my
classes, so this is the only time that suits both of us.”
“And you’re leaving just like that.”
“Actually, it’s my consulting fee. I did a little job for this hotel chain when they
had a problem locating an embezzlement in their books. That was an interesting
job actually-”
“Chuck, stick to the point.”
“Anyway, besides my pay, I got a free holiday at one of their resorts.”
“And you just had to call me and rub it to my face.”
“I just wanted to let you know! You would be pretty freaked out it I just left
without telling you.”
“I know it’s coming, so let it out.” Charlie encouraged.
“Fine.” Don sighed. “That’s so unfair.”
“And there it was. Are you feeling any better?”
“Little bit. Why doesn’t anyone take me on a holiday?”
“Because you’ve been seeing Martin for months and you’re still keeping it casual?”
“We could be casual in a hotel.”
“Do you remember when we went to Washington with mom and dad? I can totally
understand why nobody wants to go on vacation with you.”
“That wasn`t a vacation, you were getting that what-ever-award-it-was, and mom
and dad dragged me there. And we were kids.”
“And yet you were absolute hell to travel with.”
“I wasn’t that bad. It’s completely different thing to travel with you parents and
little brother.”
“So…. What? You want Martin to whisk you away, and you’ll pay for your
upkeep with sex?”
“I wouldn’t say no.”
“I know. Martin said you two are going strong.”
“When did you talk to him?”
“Couple days ago when we were wall climbing.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about that?”
“Don’t start that again.”
“Sorry, it’s an instinct.”
“Now that we’re on that topic, how long are you gonna keep dad in the dark?”
“I don’t know.”
“I mean, he’s already suspicious. When you’re not working, you’re otherwise
occupied. He knows there’s somebody in the picture.”
“How do you think it would go?”
“I don’t think you got anything to worry about. You already know he likes Martin.”
“I know that.”
“There’s just one thing you should be scared about.”
“That the minute he finds out, he’ll start pressuring you to adopt or find a
surrogate. His granpaternal clock is ticking.”
“I didn’t even know there was one of those.”
“He’s been doing that to me and Colby for over a year.”
“So you want me to distract him.”
“That’s one part of it.”
“I’ll think about it autch!”
“Sorry, Megan slapped me with a file.”
“You’re still paying for that bug-in-the-vase thing?”
“Big time.”
“She’ll calm down. Sooner or later.”
“Hopefully, I’m black and blue.”
“Tell her I said hi. Have you heard anything new about that e-mail date?”
“No, you’re gonna have to ask Colby or David. She’s not telling me anything.”
“That’s understandable. Anyway, I better start packing. Good thing we
don’t need to pack too much. It’s not exactly the best time of year to go
there, but the weather should be good.”
“I have to get back to work too.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll send you a postcard. What do you want, a picture of a sunset
or one of those with half naked men?”
“I got the latter on my disposal when I want to see it, so maybe the sunset card.”
“I’ll try to remember that.”
“Have a good time, bro.”
“I will. Bye.”