Title: All Grown Up, Interlude
Author: Finnishsphinx
Pairing: James Potter / Scorpius Malfoy,
Charlie Weasley / Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG (for this chapter)
Summary: James is coming home after spending four years abroad. His little brother has grown up, but so has his brother’s best friend.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be mine, etc.
Warnings: None
Notes: My first HP story. I’ve read the books in my own language (and a lot of the phrases and some names had been translated), and now writing in English, so I’m trying to check them while writing. If I mess up with them, go ahead and tell me, I appreciate it.
More Notes: For the sake of this fic, I stretched the age gap between James and Albus to five years.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Interlude Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 “Here we go… slow and careful…” Ginny babbled in baby talk as she assisted Harry into his flat. “The Healer said the effects of the dart would wear off in a few hours.”
“They had no right to use that blowpipe…” Harry slurred like a drunkard. “… I bet that bitch doesn’t even have a license for that…”
“All registered Healers are allowed to carry blowpipes that are under six feet tall. I mean the blowpipe, not the Healer.”
“Who cares?” Harry let go of the helping hand and almost fell on the floor face first. “What is it with my family and the Malfoys?”
“Don’t ask me, I didn’t see it coming…” She sighed.
“I don’t mean James. Well, partly James, but it’s weirder than that. Me and Malfoy… we had that whole “Mortal enemies” thing and now we have… truce, I guess. And then Al goes and gets friendly with Malfoy`s spawn and James gets mushy over him, I can understand that.”
“You can?”
“Almost, boys are boys and so on. But what are the chances that two men in my family, two men who I think are smart and sane… they both get involved with a white-haired icicle. Two. Not one but two. What are the odds?”
“Harry?” Ginny held three fingers up in front of his face. “How many fingers?”
“Two… No, four.”
“No wonder you’re babbling, the tranquilizing potion is still working.”
“No! Well, yeah… but I’m serious about the Malfoys.” Harry waddled his way to the small bar-cabinet and pulled out a bottle of scotch. “First James, and then Charlie… What the hell does a red-blooded and read-headed Weasley see in him? I mean that’s like… Fire and ice, or oil and water or… Or something.”
“Harry…” Ginny groaned and rubbed her eyes tiredly. “If you need to ramble, go ahead, but leave my brothers out of this.”
“It’s true, I saw them-”
“What’s your next hallucination? Mom getting intimate with her entire bridge club?”
“I’m serious-”
“I know you are, but right now it would be best if you’d just go to bed and sleep your head clear.”
“But I saw them-”
“I’m beginning to understand why you got shot in the first place. And give me that bottle, you don’t need a drink.” She grabbed the bottle of scotch from Harry, twisted the cap off and took a long swig from it. “I do, after listening to you all the way here.”
“Don’t you ginny me. Get in your bed and sleep it off.”
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
“Did you do anything else in school except sleep, eat and play Quidditch?” Scorpius complained and muttered a simple spell.
The cauldron containing their dinner stopped wiggling across the table.
“I would have remembered it.” James claimed, but didn’t sound very sure about it. “It just takes a while before it comes back to me.”
“I’ve hardly ever needed domestic spells, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t learn them well in Hogwarts.”
“I remember the important stuff!”
“So I see…”
“I do. But mom usually made us do it the muggle way when she actually trusted us to do it at all, we didn’t need to cook in school and in Italy I lived right next to a trattoria.”
“That is no excuse for letting your skills get rusty.”
“I just haven’t had much use for them! The one spell I used most often was a protective spell before sex!” James realized his mistake as soon as he had said it. “But you probably didn’t want to know that.”
“Considering my knowledge of your life, it did not come as a surprise.” Scorpius stated dryly and pulled two deep bowls from the cupboard. “At least you had the foresight of taking the protective measures. I am not sure how your team would have reacted if someone had knocked you up.”
“You mean if I had knocked somebody up.”
“No. You really don’t remember anything from school, do you?” Scorpius smirked. “It is a trait that manifests itself when the level of pure blood in a bloodline reaches a certain point. If a wizard has a high enough level of pure wizard blood, like old families have, and they mate with a wizard of similar high level of pure wizard blood, they are able to reproduce. Some believe it is evolutions way of ensuring that certain bloodlines can carry on, even if their descendents can not produce an offspring in the regular manner.”
James’s eyes were wide as saucers and his breathing had become labored. His legs gave up and he thumped down on the nearest chair.
“Is that the look of conscience knocking?” Scorpius asked innocently.
“Bloody hell…”
“Can I assume that you did occasionally ignore the safety measures?”
“Well, couple times, but we were too drunk to really do anything… And the team made us have full check-ups before every match, so I’m fine, but… Bloody hell…”
“You have already said that once.”
“It deserves to be said again. I could be a mommy right now!”
“No.” Scorpius began to pour soup from the cauldron into their bowls. “You could not.”
“What…? Oh…” James was wafting between annoyance and relief. “You made it all up.”
“It is very easy, since you have forgotten about ninety percent of things you learned in Hogwarts.”