Fic: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 1 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko)

May 19, 2010 18:57

Title: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 1
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always welcome.

CSI Miami Main List

Summary: Ryan Wolfe is a CSI working on a murder case. Eric Delko is a man of different vocation. A dead man brings them together.


“Never thought I would say this…” Calleigh moaned and slumped down on the break room couch. “… but apparently there really is a man without weaknesses. I’ve gone through every aspect of our vic I could think of, and came up with a big pile of nothing.”

“I’m not so sure.” Ryan continued tapping the keys of his laptop, paused to take a sip from his coffee and twirled the computer around so Calleigh could see the screen. “I’ve went back to his bank records.”

“We already checked them.”
“Yeah, but I think found a reason for some of the withdrawals. Remember how he withdraw one thousand bucks every two weeks?”
“I remember.”
“The first withdrawal like that was almost six months ago. I compared that to his daily planner.” He handed her several photocopies of the book. “On the day of the first withdrawal there`s a marking: Eric, six thirty.”
“And the other withdrawals?”
“Same thing. One thousand, and a meeting with Eric on the same date.”

“Sounds like blackmail.”
“I doubt it. You saw what kinda amounts the guy had on his bank accounts. Why would a blackmailer settle for two thousand a month when he could get a lot more at once?”
“What are you thinking?”
“There was an address below the first marking. I checked it and I found our Eric.” Ryan tapped few keys and a data sheet appeared on the screen. “Eric Delko. He does freelance gigs as a scuba diving instructor.”
“They could have been involved.”
“One way or another. Look at the address. How can an occasional scuba diving instructor afford a place like that?”

“You mean he has other sources of income…” Calleigh nodded slowly. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“That our vic paid for his services? Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.”
“When was their last meeting?”

“The day before the murder. I was planning to pay him a little visit.” Ryan closed down the computer and started packing his things. “You wanna come with me?”

“No, I’m still waiting for my results. They should be done pretty soon.”
“Okay, call me when you get them.”
“I have to deal with the high-end rent boy by myself?” Ryan grinned. “Thanks a lot.”
“Have fun.”


Ryan checked the number of the apartment and rang the bell. He could hear the sound echoing inside the apartment. Ryan looked around the hallway, observing his surroundings in the slightly paranoid way he had developed during his stint in the patrol. Places like this always seemed to make visitors wish they had put on something little classier, but Ryan shook away the feeling. He was in his work clothes and visiting the building on official business, not to fit in.

The door was pulled open and Ryan took a quick glance at the man leaning against the frame. Delko didn’t seem to fit the surroundings. He was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweaty tank top, and his face was glistering with beads of sweat. He looked at Ryan with equal curiosity.

“Eric Delko?”
“Officer Wolfe, Miami Crime Lab. I need to ask you some questions.” Ryan held up his badge and waited. A brief look of suspicion flashed on Delko`s face, but he shrugged and gestured him to come in. Ryan followed him into a living room.
“Can I get you something to drink? I was gonna get myself something cold, I just got back from a jog.”
“Little hot for jogging.”
“Yeah, but I gotta stay I shape. It’s important in my job.”
“As a scuba diving instructor?”
“Exactly.” Delko gave him a lopsided smirk and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back a minute later carrying two water bottles. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Ryan took the other bottle but left it on the coffee table. He sat down on the couch while his host took the other end of the couch.
“So what’s this about?”
“You know a man called Richard Camden?”
“Yeah, I know him.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Two days ago.”
“What time?”
“He came here around six thirty and left after ten.”
“Did you know him well?”
“Why are you talking in a past tense?”
“He died yesterday.”

Delko took a long sip and swallowed slowly. His eyes wandered across the walls, but finally came back to meet Ryan’s.
“How did he die?”
“He was murdered. Where were you yesterday between three AM and five AM?”
“I did some classes for the yachting club. Basically I keep the disgruntled wives entertained while their hubbies are sailing.” Delko chuckled a bit and emptied the rest of his bottle with one long swig. “We started at twelve and finished after six.”
“What was the nature of your relationship with Camden?”
“We… we had some common hobbies.”
“Do all your hobbies cost one thousand bucks twice a month?”

Delko tilted his eyebrows and frowned. His expression had gone from calm to worried.

“What do you want?”
“I want to solve a murder. The other stuff is not my problem.”
“Well… you asked your question, and I told you where I was. Anything else?”
“About the case, no.” Ryan eyed the apartment. “Just out of curiosity, how many clients do you have paying for this place?”
“Not that many, I just charge enough from the few I accept.”
“I can afford to be picky.” Delko responded with a cocky grin. “I’m that good.”
“Judging by this place, you must be spectacular.” Ryan stated dryly. “Do you have other clients that would have wanted to kill Camden?”

“Why would they? I know how to keep them all happy.”
“No jealousy?”
“They pay for everything I do for them. There`s do emotions involved. At least not normally.”
“What do you mean not normally?”
“Nothing. One creep just couldn’t take the hint when I said I wasn’t interested. Money or not, I pick who I wanna play with and that guy was bad news from the start.”
“What guy?”
“This weirdo, who heard about me from one of my regulars. Showed up on my door waving a bundle of cash. I told him I wasn’t interested, he didn’t listen and I kicked him out.”
“When was that?”
“Last week. Probably Tuesday.”
“Have you heard from him since?”

“Yeah, when I left the next morning I saw him standing on the other side of the road. And the next day he started calling.”
“Harassing calls?”
“Suggestions, threats, the whole nine yards.”
“How often does he call?”
“Couple times a day.”
“Have you reported it?”
“What do you think?” Delko almost laughed. “You think that’s the first time some creep goes overboard? I’ve had few of them before, they always stop at some point. Besides, I don’t wanna get involved with cops. No offence.”
“Non taken. Has he called today?”
“Yeah, around… six in the morning. Woke me up.”
“I’m gonna have to check your phone records.”
“You think that guy may have…”
“It’s one possibility.”
“Can you…” Delko looked uncharacteristically nervous. “Can you leave out the other people I’ve talked with on the phone? In my business the whole confidentiality is pretty important.”
“I’ll check the call this morning. If it leads to something, we probably don’t need to bother your other contacts.”

A long silence took over. Delko glared nervously at Ryan and Ryan waited for him to say something.

“You probably wanna get back to work.” Delko`s tone was light, but it sounded distinctively forced. He got up and took a long look at Ryan, from head to toe and back again. “If you ever wanna switch careers, call me. I could hook you up with some of my spares. Money’s a lot better than a cop’s salary.” His mouth seemed to be frozen into a face grin.

“I’ll pass, but thanks for the offer.” Ryan pulled a small card from his pocket and handed it over. “Call me if you get more calls.”
“Just your work number? I don’t give people my personal number either.”
“But I bet you get more interesting calls. I’ll be in touch.” Ryan walked out of the living room, but paused when he heard Delko clearing his throat.

“I hope you find the guy who killed him.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Richard was a nice guy.”
“Are you just saying that, because he’s dead?”
“He was a nice guy.” Eric repeated with little more force. “All my regulars are nice guys. Harmless. They behave, they don’t ask for weird stuff, they don’t get violent. They’re all good guys.”

Chapter 2

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: bought & paid for, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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