Title: Vacation in Texas, Chapter 1
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc
Feedback: Makes the World Turn
Notes: Set before Season One
“Ready to go?” Warrick slammed his locker shut. “Your gonna have to queue at the
airport anyway, we might as be there on time.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m almost ready.” Nick answered and started buttoning up his shirt.
“And thanks for the ride. I didn’t wanna leave my car to the airport for two weeks.”
“Are you going to see your siblings while your there?”
“They all had their vacations during the summer, they are all gone by now. Just Jimmy
and his litter. He’s the only one of us who never left the ranch. He got married, had
kids, and helped on the ranch. Mom was thrilled that one of her kids lives less than
two hour drive from her.”
“And are you gonna see what-ever-her-name-was?”
Nick let out a deep sigh and closed his locker. “I think I have to. We got to do
something about it.”
“It can’t be very satisfying. You’re here, she’s there. What’s the point?”
“I know, I know.” Nick grabbed his back bag. “Let’s go.”
“Where on earth have you two been? You were supposed to be here an hour
ago!” Jillian Stokes alternated between motherly nagging and surprisingly
strong hugs. “I even called the airport, but they said your plane landed on
“It did land on time, but Jimmy didn’t.” Nick grinned.
“It wasn’t my fault! My truck fell apart in the middle of the road. It was pure luck
that we actually made it here.” Jimmy dropped Nick’s bag next to the stairs.
“I’ll go see if I can resurrect the wreck. I’ll see you at dinner.” He marched out
and left his brother and mother to the entry hall.
“I’ll take my stuff upstairs. I’m in my old room, right?”
“That can wait. You’ll have coffee with your dear old mother first.” Jillian smiled.
“I want to talk to you.” She grabbed Nick by his arm and guided him to sit next
to the kitchen table. She poured both of the a cup of coffee and took a long look
at him.
“Whole house feels deserted.” Nick commented.
“That’s because you never come here during the summer. Whole house was full of
daughters and sons and children and in-laws. It was like the old days, when you kids
were small.”
“You miss that, don’t you?”
“Sometimes. Like you said, whole house feels deserted. We built this for a big family.
And it was a wonderful home, for a long time. Now it feels too empty, sometimes.”
“You got Jimmy’s kids here. And Magda.”
“Yes. Jimmy and Magda are a good match. Without them and their kids life would be
really quiet here. It’s probably a part of getting old. It feels good to have a lot of life
in the house.”
“Are you feeling old, mom?” Nick smirked.
“Just sometimes. I have your father, and all my children and grandchildren are well.
I have a lot to be happy about.”
“It’s nice to hear you say that.”
“Well, it’s the truth. I’m a very lucky woman. And happy. That’s why would like to
see all my kids happy.”
“I think I know where you are going with this.”
“Have you talked to Sylvie lately?”
“I called her before my flight.”
“She’s out of town, but she’ll be back next week.”
“Good. You two need to make a decision.”
“I know, mom.”
“Nicky, you two have been engaged for two years. Last eight months you’ve been
living in Vegas. You can’t go on like this.”
“We’ve gone through this before. There was no similar positions available in
Dallas,and she didn’t want to leave her job here.”
“You could have figured out a solution if I you wanted to. But I don’t think you
want to.”
“It’s just… It’s not that easy.”
“It should be that easy. You and Sylvie are both still young. You can still start
from the beginning. But you can’t cling on to it just because it’s hard to let go.”
“I know…”
“I like Sylvie. I’ve known her since she was a little girl, but even I can see that
you and her are no longer like you were couple years ago. Maybe you’ve both
grown out of it, but it isn’t the same anymore. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“I think so. But I think it started before I moved to Vegas. We were… more
like brother and sister than a couple. I guess it’s like a habit.”
“Nicky, I saw her some time ago. She’s not happy either. She’s holding back
because of you, and you have to let her go.”
“I know mom. I’m gonna do it when she gets back.” Nick sighed and poured
himself another cup of coffee. “Can we now talk about something else?”
“Sure. Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?”
“Good. You remember Brian?”
“More specifically…?”
“Davidson. Martha’s boy, couple years younger than you.”
“Yeah, I remember him. I thought he was working in New York.”
“He was and he is. He came come for vacation. He brought a friend with him,
for couple weeks.”
“And why are we talking about him?”
“Well, I was talking to Martha couple days ago, and that poor boy has never
been on a horse. So, I promised you would give him some riding lessons.”
“You promised? Mom!”
“Martha said he’s a very nice boy, and I thought it would a nice way to kill
time while you are here.”
“Why can’t he practice on Davidson’s horses?”
“They don’t have horses anymore. They got rid of them last year. Bud’s back
problems were so bad that doctor told him to stay off the saddle, so he got
rid of the temptation. I guess it would have been too depressing to just look
at them, and not be able to ride them.”
“I can understand that.”
“And Martha said that the boy works the New York crime lab. He’s a DNA…
something. Maybe you two could find something interesting to talk about.
Me and Bill are not exactly suitable opponents in those conversations.”
“Mom, I’m on vacation. The last thing I wanna talk about is work.”
Jillian sighed in frustration. “Still, I promised you would do it. Your not going
to make a liar out of your mama?”
Nick chuckled. “Okay, you win. You like to play dirty, don’t you?”
“Yep. I told them you would meet him at the stables tomorrow, at two.”