Fic: In Love & War, Chapter 3 (Numb3rs, Don / Martin, David / Ian)

Feb 26, 2010 17:52

Title: In Love & War, Chapter 3
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton  
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome  

NUMB3RS Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

“I thought we would have to go to the actual courtroom.” David pondered. He leaned against the wall and took a sip from his take-away coffee.

“Family court, not criminal.” Mrs. Gleeson stated. Their new lawyer had been a slightly startling sight when they had met her in the hallway of the courthouse ten minutes earlier, but her bright red hair and strong make-up had quickly lost the shock value. “There will be just us, Miss Bergen and her lawyer and the judge.”

“Any last minute advices?”

“Keep a cool head.” Martin commented and sat down on the bench, pulling papers from his briefcase. “She’s not making any decisions based on this, but the first impression is important.”

“And if you have to mention the kid’s mother, call her Miss Bergen. Nothing else.” Gleeson added. “You wouldn’t believe how many daddies have blown it in the first hearing, because they called the mom "that woman", or "greedy bitch". Don’t do her lawyer’s work for her.”

“I’ll remember that.” David assured. “Don’t call bitch a bitch.”
“And don’t talk to the press if someone asks you something after the hearing, or when the real process starts.” Martin paused to take another sip from his water bottle. “I heard her lawyer is already trying to offer her sob story everywhere.”

“Should we do that too?”
“Already done.” Gleeson grinned. “I got connections to some of the more liberal papers, they’ll be doing positive pieces when this actually starts. Timing is important.”

“Are you sure they’ll be on our side?”
“Sure, especially when they heard about your connections to Charlie and that he promised to be one of your character witnesses and sing your praises in the child rearing arena. He’s like a pin-up boy for gay parents: Successful author, respected mathematician, freelance FBI consultant, has an ex soldier as a boyfriend and a cute little girl.”

“And we’ll get positive press through association?”
“There’s enough about this case to raise interest anyway, throw in a relatively famous author and the thing goes to another level of interest. And of course there’s the whole diversity factor.”

“What factor?”
“A gay couple, where one half is Afro-American and the other has partly oriental ancestry, and then the closest circle of friends: Two Jews, a woman, who’s currently playing Mrs. Robinson with a hunky younger man, and an ex military man. There’s something for everyone.”

“Do you really need to make us sound like some public endorsement for diversity and alternative lifestyles?”
“Things close to home are the things that get peoples attention. When we call witnesses to give statements about your skills as a parent, diversity is always good.”
“You’re going to call them all to testify?”

“David?” Martin interrupted. “If you’re going to answer that, you better do it now. We’re starting in few minutes.”

David looked down at his cell phone. The phone was blinking red light in his hand. He snapped the text message open.
“From Ian, he’s stuck in traffic.”
“Did you…?”

“Yeah, I hid all the guns he had in his car. There’s enough stress going around without him starting to shoot people in the middle of the street because he`s late or someone makes a an unexpected move.”


“-will be scheduled for the tenth and eleventh. Is this acceptable for everyone?” Judge Alston continued. “The case worker will asses all participants, and the environmental factors-”

A small movement in the corner of his eye made David turn to Martin. He was sitting still, clutching the lapel of his jacket. His face had turned pale and small beads of sweat were forming just under the hairline. He seemed to be forcing his expression neutral, but his knuckles were white, his hand moving from his lapel to rub his chest. Martin’s breathing sounded laboured. Small, faint gasps for breath.

“Mr. Sinclair?”

Judge Alston’s voice broke through his thoughts and he turned back to face her.
“Any questions about the proceedings before we finish?”
“No.” He stated automatically. “No questions.”
“Good, then we will see again after the evaluations are done. Our clerk will inform everyone of the date and time. Good day.” The judge gathered her papers and walked out. Miss Bergen’s lawyer guided her client out of the room as soon as she could.

David took a long look at Martin. He was still pale, but the anguished, stilted look on his face was gone, replaced by obvious relief. He draw in deep breaths, trying to get his breathing steady.

“Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” Martin grabbed one of the water bottles form the table and downed half of it’s content in one go. “Little dizzy.”

“You need something?” Mrs. Gleeson leaned closer. “You look sick.”
“I’m fine. I…I need to get back to the office.” He grabbed the table for support and got up. “I have to go, I got a meeting in half an hour.”


“Did I miss something?” David walked into the bullpen. Don looked up from the screen of his computer.

“Not much. Megan and Colby went to pick up the vic`s neighbour. How was the hearing?”
“Uneventful. The judge went through the case, asked some questions, lawyers made their comments and then she named a case worker to do the evaluation.”
“How was that… whatever her name was?”
“Gleeson. She’s a real character… but a nice one.” David let out a small chuckle. “Like Jessica Rabbit twenty years and forty pounds later.”

“Is she any good?”
“I think so. And Martin praised her track record with custody cases.” David paused and sat down next to his desk. “Everything alright with you two? No problems or anything?”

“Yeah, why?”
“No reason.”
“Sinclair, we interrogate liars all the time, so don’t try that with me.”
“Okay, but I don’t know if it was anything. I mean other people noticed it too, but-”

“Noticed what?”
“He looked like he had some kinda episode. He was pale and sweaty and he kept touching his chest.” He pressed his own hand to the left side of his chest. “Like this.”
“In the hearing?”
“Yeah, the judge was talking and then I think it stopped. I wasn’t the only one who saw it.”
“Was he alright?”
“I don’t know, he said he was fine, but he was breathing like he’d run a marathon.”
“How long did it last?”

“Maybe a minute.” David leaned back against the backrest of his chair. “First he was fine and then it started. At least I think he was fine. He would say if something was wrong.” He gave Don an unsure glance. “Right?”

Chapter 4

show: numb3rs, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, pair: david sinclair / ian edgerton, numb3rs / series: in love & war

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