Fic: Manly Challenges, Chapter 1/2 (Criminal Minds, Reid / Morgan, Hotch / Chad)

Jan 31, 2010 20:18

Title: Manly Challenges, Chapter 1/2
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan,
Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.

Criminal Minds Main List

“Ready to give up?”

“In your dreams.” Morgan grunted and charged again. Ten seconds later he was once again pinned to the mat.

“How long have they been doing that?” Hotch asked in a hushed tone. Reid glanced at the clock on the wall of the training room.
“Forty-eight minutes and counting.”
“Are you going to intervene?”
“Why bother? Morgan never listens when someone tells him to cut his loses.”
“He could get hurt.”
“We know that and Chad knows that, but Morgan is in his location related delirium.”
“When he’s in  a location such as gym, that emphasises his masculine instincts, he gains an unbeatable desire to prove his manhood any way possible. In this case, by continuing sparring even thought his nose is bleeding. His overpowering urge to beat the competitive male overruns all rational thoughts.”

“How long does it last?”
“Depends on how much energy he has left. It’s almost seven in the evening, and he ate just before coming here, so I’d say… about ten more minutes.”

“How exactly did that start?”
“Chad was going through the new training program for hand-to-hand combat lessons, Morgan wanted to try, he got competitive and that’s what followed.”
“Should I get the first aid kit?”
“I already got the one from the locker-room about twenty minutes ago. Right after his nose started bleeding.”

A loud thump interrupted their conversation. Morgan was laying face down on the mat, and Chad grinned at him looking slightly bored, pressing Morgan against the mat with his knee.
“Is that really all you got?”

Morgan tried to push him off his back, but failed. His face turned slightly green and he pressed his one free hand on his mouth.

“Reid? You wanna take over from here?” Chad got up and waved for Reid to come closer. “I think he’s gonna throw up.”

“I knew it would end like this.” Reid pulled the wastebasket and placed it next to Morgan’s head. “I’ll handle it.”
“Thanks.” Chad picked up his gymbag and walked out with Hotch in tow.

“Feeling good?” Reid crouched down and started to wipe the dried trail of blood under the man’s nose.
“I’ll… No… No, I…” Morgan pondered. He suddenly grabbed the basket and emptied his stomach.

“You know how you always say a good workout makes you sexually aroused?”
“Does that include the vomit?” Reid smirked. “Is that the macho equivalent of foreplay?”
“I almost got him where I wanted him…”
“Morgan, you look like one of those cult survivors after that case in Washington.”
“I’m just… little sweaty…”
“And green and smelling of vomit and sweat. That is not exactly a turn-on.”

“You should have seen the other guy…”
“I did see him, he just left with Hotch.”
“How long were you watching?”
“From the start. Remember how we ran into Chad on our way out, he mentioned something about the new training regime and you had to challenge him?”
“How many times have done that? And it always ends the same way.”
“He was lucky.”
“Morgan, he’s been training for years-”
“So have I!”
“Did you know he has a big collection of trophies stashed somewhere?”
“Yeah. I think he put them away when he stopped competing seriously.”

“I got trophies too!”
“From bureau competitions.”
“That still counts.”
“They’re all for second places.”
“No need to look so smug…”
“I’m not smug, I’m wondering why a smart man would make the same mistake over and over again. Like a child, that keeps jumping from the roof, thinking one day he won’t hit the ground.”

“I’m gonna be sick again…”
“Aim for the basket.”
“I don’t think I got anything left in me…”
“You want some water?”

Reid pulled a water bottle from his messengerbag and handed it over to Morgan. Half of it’s content ended up rolling to the mat.

“Did you get a hit a on your jaw when I wasn’t looking?”
“I think I hit it to the mat when  I went down…”
“You have to be more specific.”
“You’re loving this, aren`t you?”
“I still remember when I had to take your classes.” Reid grinned. “I have no sympathy for you, especially when you caused this all by yourself.”
“He lured me here!”
“You couldn’t keep your caveman side hidden and now you’re sore and nauseous. Can you walk?”
“I think so…”

Morgan grabbed Reid’s hand and climbed up on his own two feet. He swayed left and right, his face turning green again. He hang on to Reid with both hands.

“Are we coming or going?”
“We’re leaving.”
“I was talking about that water… I think it’s coming up again…”
“I got the basket here, let’s just go carefully-” Reid slid his hand down to Morgan’s back to support him.

“Don’t touch the back! That hurt!”
“I didn’t even put any pressure on it.” The genius grabbed the hem of Morgan’s shirt and pulled it up. “I think that’s from his knee…”
“You can still see it?”
“You’ll be feeling that for a while.”
“Thanks a lot, Pretty Boy. Why did you have to push me into that?”
“I didn’t so anything.”
“You did, and Chad too. I think you two planned the whole thing-”

“Morgan?” Reid interrupted.

“Is this one of those "Shut up now or I’ll leave you here" moments?”
“Then I’ll shut up. Do we have any ice packs in the freezer?”
“No… But we have frozen peas.”

“Even better.”

Chapter 2/2

cm / one-off, show: criminal minds, pair: aaron hotchner / chad christensen, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan

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