It's that time again.

Jun 11, 2009 05:01



1.) Pick a paring, any paring you want.
2.) Pick a kink. If you need some reference try this fantastic list of kinks.
3.) Your post most be ANONYMOUS. There must be A KINK and A PAIRING in your post. Otherwise it will be deleted.
4.) Play nice. This should be fun for ALL.
5.) While multiple replies to one prompt is encouraged, for every request you make try to fill out AT LEAST one request. Give and you shall recieve.
6.) Feel free to pimp this far and wide!

ADDITIONALLY, I would like to add that --

*It's OKAY for 'fics to be erotic in nature without any penetration. In fact, I know that I and some other writers got a little stifled in the last meme because the issue of full on tab-A-into-slot-B sex proved problematic. So if you want to request something sensual or sexy that's not full-on complete-to-orgasm sex, I am okay with this and in fact encourage it, as many people will find it easier to write. (Breast-groping? Food play? Cunningingilis? GO WILD.) I especially encourage this for multi-partner requests.

*Due to the nature of this meme, I am disabling email notifications of comments that I receive. I will, however, be checking the meme periodically. If you have a problem that you need me to address, please message me (my actual journal is hieronymousb).

*Also, while I obviously can't make this a rule-rule (since this is all anonymous, anyway), I would ask that when filling out requests, it would be really nice if you could please move a little outside of your comfort zone, if possible. I want as many of these requests to get written as is feasible, including some that may be a little more unusual or kinky, and I'm not convinced this will happen if everyone stays in the land of their Vanilla OTPs.
I say this as someone with a Vanilla OTP  -- am not condemning, nor asking you to write anything you absolutely abhor -- just sayin', spread the love as much as you think you can?


... and I think that just about covers it. :) Have fun!


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