Title: Little Wonders (2/2)
Pairing: Naruto/Gaara
Rating: PG-13 or thereabouts
Other pairings: None intentional, though I guess one could read between the lines as they see fit.
Warnings: Some heavy petting and boy love.
Word Count: ~12,000
Summary: On the little wonders of life, and, through them, finding the humanity you possess.
Someone once told him it had rained the night he'd been born. )
Comments 25
Just perfect.
Innocent Gaara just breaks my heart, repairs it, and breaks it again everytime.
And Naruto being innocent in his own way too! So cute!
Telling Gaara not to say a word to anyone, that he doesn't swing that way, or that only a boy with a girl can have smex.
(I would gladly introduce him to yaoi). XDD
Awesome fic. I loved it. I love you. And I really hope you write that sequel. I'll be keeping an eye on all your future projects.
Much love and writing power to you. <3
Of course, I like the physical contact a lot as well, and the whole fic really sprang out of the idea "have them make out in the rain"--that was my mental "prompt", as it were [which just goes to show that I write my stories around the stupidest mental prompts XD ( ... )
Naruto x Gaara is one of my favourite pairings, and Gaara being my favourite character :P
I loved your interpretation of Gaara's boys and how Naruto despite being introspective is all very much a 13-year-old boy... whom is also sooooo in denial :P
Man, I am already waiting for the sequel, even though I know it would be some times until it is posted :D
Yeah, I've started brainstorming for it, but since I'd really like to write something with a bit of plot, it needs to solidify somewhat. Haha, Naruto is totally in denial. Like they say, "methinks thou doth protest too much". :D
In fact, I've been in Naruto for just three months I think, also after finally caving to some of my f-list who were all raving about Naruto. And now, it's kind of become my main fandom. Almost but not quite :P
Sadly, RL is being a bitch and I cannot send to find the time to do all the fanart I want to do about it :P
Anyway, I think it's high time I friended you so there *friends*
Yeah, I know how that goes. RL keeps me busy, too. I've been swamped with reading and papers, such that I barely squeezed out sufficient energy to finish up this lil one-shot. Of course, classes do wrap up in a few days and I have some time off ... but then, sigh, at the end of August, more classes start! :p At least this fic broke my months-long writer's block, though, which I take for a good sign.
Weird, you got into Naruto at about the same time I did. And Gaara! Totally my favourite character, too. I just love that skinny little redhead.
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