Title: Season 3: Chance of a Lifetime (45/45)
elektra30Spoilers: Up till 2x22, but incorporates bits of S3 canon beyond chapter 14
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Finn/Rachel, Artie/Tina (with some Tina/Mike), Kurt/Blaine, Puck/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Sam/Mercedes, Will/Emma and other OCs.
Word Count: ~230,000
Warnings: Mild profanity and mild violence (with mentions of aftermath, but no explicit details) - mostly in line with what Glee gets away on the telly.
Summary: New Directions start a new year at McKinley with a final bid to clinch victory at Nationals. But along the way, new arrivals and incidents are always ready to make things difficult. S3 AU, S2-compliant.
A/N: The prologue doesn't involve Finchel, so I shall just promote the fic in its entirety by saying that this is my headcanon for S3. Finchel gets almost-equal screentime as the other pairings, much like how it works on Glee, and they have a running storyline throughout the fic. Here's a snippet:
"...Rachel, we don't have to turn back time," said Finn. "All the crap we've been through? I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm going to have to do all I can to keep you with me because there's no one else who knows me like you do. There's no one else who'd be with me like you would. There's no one like you, Rachel."
Chapter 1: Prologue (@FF.net)
Chapter 2: Episode 1