Title: Scattered Echoes (5/31)
kingzgurl Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 475
Timeline: Goblet of Fire-ish
dogdaysofsummer 5 August 2009 Summary: As he watches fiendfyre destroy the last of his friends, Remus realizes he is truly alone.
Remus unlocked the door with trepidation. There were no lights on, even though the sun had been down for over an hour, and his senses were on high alert.
Since getting out of Azkaban, Sirius had an overwhelming need for lights to be blazing. It helped keep the nightmares at bay, Remus knew, so he had gotten used to every light in the flat being turned on as soon as the sun began to set.
But tonight, the windows were dark and silent.
“Padfoot?” Remus whispered softly. The wards hadn’t been tripped or tampered with, Remus noted, causing his worry to increase tenfold at the foreboding feeling hanging in the air.
With his wand out and fully alert to even the slightest movement he made his way through the apartment in search of Sirius. The front room was clean and empty, as were the hallway, bedroom, and bathroom.
“Padfoot?” Remus called again, louder this time, and unable to hide the mild panic that was beginning to set in. Where was he? It wasn’t a large flat, nor was there any reason he would have left. Cautiously he walked back to the kitchen, the only room he hadn’t checked.
He inhaled sharply at the sight before him.
Sirius was on the floor with his knees drawn up against his chest, leaning against the side of the Muggle icebox. His eyes were closed tightly and his face was buried against his bony knees. His body shook uncontrollably.
Remus’ heart wrenched when he realized the shaking was due to sobbing. The other man let out a sob that sounded like a wounded animal, which Remus knew it probably was, and it spurred him forward.
He knelt in front of Sirius and drew him into a warm embrace, wrapping his arms delicately around the still trembling form of his best friend and lover.
Sirius clung to him like a man drowning in the middle of the ocean, letting go of his own knees in order to wrap his impossibly thin limbs around Remus and hold on as tightly as he could. His face was buried into Remus neck, his tears dampening the collar of the werewolf’s shabby robes.
“I’m here, Pads,” Remus whispered near his ear, one arm wrapped around the broken man and the other in his tangled hair. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Sirius shook harder at the words, his grip tightening on Remus, causing the slender man to squeeze Sirius close against his body.
“I’m not,” Remus repeated, unsure which of them he was trying to convince.
“I know,” Sirius mouthed silently against his neck between gasps for breath. “I trust you.”
As they continued to hold each other late into the night, Remus began to wonder if he had imagined Sirius’ words. It wouldn’t be the first time.
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