Feb 09, 2014 08:56

Song: Collide
Artist: Leona Lewis
Fandom: Anastasia
Download: here
Streaming: embedded I vimeo

Made for milly for Festivids 2013.

Summary: I guess every lonely girl would wish that she's a princess.

Notes: When this movie first came out, it quickly became one of my favorite films of all time, as well as a formative piece of work - which is why I'm ashamed to say I haven't actually watched it in far too long, not until I got my Festivids assignment and knew immediately I was going to have to vid it. Rewatching, taking notes, and falling in love with it all over again made me remember why I had such an attachment to it. It also made me remember how much I adored it, and moreso, it made me realize just how beautiful it is for an animated film. There were a lot of ready-made shots for vidding that I definitely would not have appreciated when I was a teenager.

I wanted to make a vid that focused on the heart of the film (uh, sorry Rasputin - I kind of ignored your plot point) which, to me, is Anya's search for identity and family. At its core, the movie is a story about finding love and family and the sacrifices you make to belong. I tried to string that through different "journeys" of Anya, although obviously, the through line is her relationship with Dimitri, which the recipient specified.

This was my first Festivids and I couldn't have asked for a better experience, both as a (newish) vidder and as a recipient (even the times I spent cursing myself on the couch complaining that I hated my entire timeline.) Endless amount of thank yous to hollywoodgrrl for beta, for teaching me that jump cuts do exist, for listening to me continually whine about all the things I was having trouble with, and then for actually helping me and not kicking me off the couch. Oh, and for indulging my initial password when I was too loopy from lack of sleep on festivids due date. (RUSSIA!) <3

pw: Anya

festivids, vids, anastasia

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