A Helpful Heap Of Hooves

Dec 27, 2009 19:21

"Vic, that Brahmin's following us."

A Brahmin being what it is, that being a large, brown, smelly beast, is not the kind of thing that sneaks up on you, but there it suddenly was.

"Moo." "Moo."

"Actually Boss, it looks like it's following you." Sure enough when they had stopped walking she could see both pairs of dark soulful eyes locked on her. It stood there, tail swishing expectantly.

"What? What do you want?" Sativa demanded of the animal, which offered no response. Approaching its side she noticed the name collar. This was Bess.

"Looks like the one from before, with the busted leg."

"Well, she's all better now. Why is she following me?"

"Maybe it's because you made her better," Vic ventured. "She was part of a caravan before, right? Doesn't have a herd she belongs to, and she's probably been traveling with people so long she only follows someone she trusts. So I guess that makes you her Boss, Boss."

"Moo!" "Moo."

The beast did seem to have taken a shine to her, butting against her gently with one of her heads. Sativa steadied Bess with a hand on each head. It wouldn't last long on its own, and she sold it to the locals it would end in several well-preserved but edible pieces and the skin treated for a number of practical uses. "What am I supposed to do with her? I can just let her keep following me."

"Why not?" Vic asked pointedly.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"Like I said, she was part of a caravan, so she's used to carrying a lot of weight, and even with Sulik all the supplies we've got are getting a little heavy, especially with and my back problems and all..." Vic left the suggestion hanging.

It didn't take long for her to admit he had a point. "Okay, I've got an idea. Get a few bags and a lot of rope..."

"Moo!" "Moo?"
Sure enough, all the spare weapons, food, ammo and sundry supplies they tied on to Bess did not burden her greatly. A length of rope tied to the collar allowed anyone to keep her in tow. This responsibility was delegated to Vic, this being his idea and all.

Sativa patted down the Brahmin's back one last time. "So how far have we got till we hit Vault City, Vic?"

"About a week's walk, I think."

"All right then. Everybody ready?"

"Ready, Boss."

"We an' I be ready."

"Moo." "Moo!"

"Great. Let's go."
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