Title: Misery and Happiness
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Xander, Willow
Word Count: 363
Rating: G
Summary: Happiness doodles on a cocktail napkin and waits for you to figure out that you should really lose this loser...
Notes: Written for
_chibidragon_ as a request. Still unrequited, but one of these days I will write her a proper Buffy/Xander fic. Set at some
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Comments 2
Ah, yes. Wonderful. You should write more BTVS fic and more Xander. *smile* I love your Xander and Willow too. He's sad, but still being funny with his comments. Knows, in a way that deserves capital letters and the doodling of a lopsided heart both made me giggle.
*happy sigh*
I love it so very much. Thank you! :D
And thank you! I was really worried about my Xander (since you're, you know, the queen of Xander-writing), so hearing that from you makes me happy. *Hugpounce*
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